
UI hosts 8th annual Fulbright Week - Apr. 5-9

Wednesday, March 24, 2021
Would you like to teach English, study, or do research abroad for an academic year at no cost?

In the news: University of Iowa alumni create podcast linking the U.S. and Germany

Wednesday, March 24, 2021
University of Iowa alumni and sisters, Erin and Shannon Huebscher, share stories about traveling and life abroad.

Gandhi at 150 on April 16 WorldCanvass

Tuesday, March 23, 2021
Mahatma Gandhi was one of the most original, impactful, and complex figures of the 20th century.  Revered around the world for his activism, self-sacrifice, and nonviolent methods of confronting a repressive colonial power, Gandhi remains a much-admired figure today.  Gandhi may be best known in America for the influence his teachings on nonviolence had on leaders of the civil rights movement.  But the story of the man and his legacy is layered and not without its contradictions.  Our guests on the April 16 WorldCanvass will reflect on Gandhi at 150.  This event will foreshadow the Provost’s Global Forum planned for November 2021 on “The Legacy of Mahatma Gandhi at 150: Nonviolence, Race, and Politics.”  Join us for this virtual WorldCanvass on April 16 from 5:30-7 p.m.  Free and open to all, the program will be aired on Zoom and on Facebook Live.

Critical Language Scholarship winner Abigail Martin to study virtually in Jordan

Tuesday, March 23, 2021
University of Iowa student Abigail Martin has been awarded a 2021 U.S. Department of State Critical Language Scholarship (CLS) for a summer virtual intensive language and cultural program in Arabic.

Become a United Nations College Ambassador!

Thursday, March 18, 2021
The Iowa United Nations Association is proud to offer students at colleges and universities throughout Iowa the opportunity to join their advocacy efforts in support of the United Nations work on human rights, global health, sustainable development, gender equity, and climate action. The Iowa UNA will offer up to 20 students the opportunity to serve as College Ambassadors. Selected students will each receive $500 as a stipend. During this 8-month program, ambassadors will work with the Debra DeLaet, Executive Director of the Iowa UNA, and other volunteer leaders to amplify our advocacy messages on their home campuses and through their social media networks.

Sydney Nguyen on her sense of community at the University of Iowa

Thursday, March 18, 2021
Sydney Nguyen, English and creative writing major from Vietnam, has already made a large impact on campus in just her second year of her undergraduate career. That involvement has helped her to thrive as a student and gain a sense of community at the University of Iowa.

An open letter to our University Community on anti-Asian harm

Wednesday, March 17, 2021
Let us be clear. We stand in solidarity with Asian American students, international students from Asia, Pacific Islanders, and the Pan Asian community, who continue to experience fear and intimidation. They deserve better. We will do everything in our power to make their safety and security a priority. We will continue our work to eliminate racism on our campus, community, and state.

In the news: International Programs expects a ‘gradual’ return to normal starting this fall

Wednesday, March 17, 2021
It will take time for international-student enrollment to return to its normal frequency and volume, experts predict, as vaccines are doled out throughout the world.

100-day read of ‘War and Peace’ attracts more than 825 participants

Wednesday, March 17, 2021
Anna Barker, visiting assistant professor in Asian & Slavic languages and literatures, is leading a 100-day virtual group read of War and Peace. The reading project, which began on February 1, has already attracted more than 825 enthusiastic participants. While reading the 1,000-plus page War and Peace might sound daunting to many, Barker has broken the book down into 10 to 14 pages daily. She offers commentary and discussion threads on a Facebook group called 100 Days of War and Peace. We caught up with Barker recently to learn more.

Critical Language Scholarship winner Anna Correa to study Hindi virtually this summer

Friday, March 12, 2021
University of Iowa student Anna Correa has been awarded a 2021 U.S. Department of State Critical Language Scholarship (CLS) for a virtual intensive language and cultural program to study Hindi this summer.