Articles from November 2018
In the news: Language acquisition research earns PhD student top Three Minute Thesis prize
Thursday, November 29, 2018
Tianlu Zhang’s 3MT on learning Chinese as a second language earned first place in 2018 competition
International Parents of the Year 2018
Tuesday, November 27, 2018
This year International Student and Scholar Services received so many excellent nominations for International Parents of the Year, it became difficult to choose one recipient. So we chose two, and are very happy to announce both.
In the news: Sehgal Foundation’s Jay Sehgal receives University of Iowa’s International Impact Award
Tuesday, November 27, 2018
Rajat Jay Sehgal, executive vice president of the Sehgal Foundation and a trustee of the SM Sehgal Foundation, has received the University of Iowa’s International Impact Award.
UI senior Austin Hughes named Rhodes scholar
Tuesday, November 27, 2018
UI senior Austin Hughes named Rhodes scholar and will begin studying English and Japanese language and literature at Oxford University beginning in October 2019.
WorldCanvass ReCap: Educational Cross-fertilization: the Iowa/India Connection
Monday, November 26, 2018
WorldCanvass celebrated International Education Week with a program on “Educational Cross-fertilization: the Iowa/India Connection.” The program featured UI President Bruce Harreld’s presentation of the 2018 International Impact Award to Rajat Jay Sehgal and the Sehgal Foundation for their leadership in support of community-based development activities, educational access, and the empowerment of women, particularly in rural India. Sehgal was recognized for the foundation’s multi-year partnership with the University of Iowa’s award-winning India Winterim program. Joining the discussion about the Iowa/India educational connection were Craig Just, Marian Muste, and Allen Bradley from the College of Engineering, Stephanie Gilbertson-White from the College of Nursing, Vijay Kamalumpundi from the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, and Associate Provost and Dean of International Programs Downing Thomas.
In the news: UI senior Austin Hughes named Rhodes scholar
Tuesday, November 20, 2018
Student is the 21st Rhodes scholar in University of Iowa history
International Programs to host Fund for Education Abroad info sessions
Friday, November 16, 2018
Join International Programs for one of several upcoming information sessions to discuss the process of applying for a Fund for Education Abroad scholarship.
U.S. foreign policy and global stability the subject of December 5 WorldCanvass
Wednesday, November 14, 2018
The twentieth century has been called the American Century, a time when American ingenuity, economic growth, military power, and vibrant cultural expression led to increased prosperity and confidence at home and a stabilizing role in leadership on the international stage. 2018 finds us in a time of shifting alliances, renewed nationalism, unraveling multinational trade agreements, and serious divides at every level of political discourse. On the next WorldCanvass, historians, political scientists, and a former U.S. ambassador will look back over the last century through the prism of foreign policy and explore the interwar period (1918-1939), follow the rise of the post-WWII Western alliance, and assess U.S. foreign policy in a new time of global realignment and instability. Joan Kjaer hosts WorldCanvass, which takes place in downtown Iowa City at MERGE, 136 South Dubuque Street, from 5:30-7 p.m. on Wednesday, December 5, and is free and open to the public. We invite you to come at 5 and join us for a pre-show catered reception.
In the news: For the sake of society, let’s mix things up and let the fresh ideas emerge!
Tuesday, November 13, 2018
A University of Iowa engineering student trained to develop solutions to drinking water issues in rural India can apply the same skills to issues faced by rural Iowans.
UI alum Philip C. Campbell reflects on over 50 years in international education
Monday, November 12, 2018
After receiving the October 2018 version of our International Alumni Quarterly E-Newsletter, Philip C. Campbell (PhD sociology ’70, MA sociology ’63) wrote in to share his experiences from over 50 years in international education.