Articles from September 2021
In the news: UI students excel in virtual study abroad programs
Tuesday, September 28, 2021
The University of Iowa’s virtual study abroad programs, which have run for a year and a half, provide students with the flexibility to travel online wherever without added costs.

SASP to host Fall 2021 South Asian Studies Program Seminar Oct. 13
Tuesday, September 21, 2021
The South Asian Studies Program, International Programs, and Global Health Studies will present the Fall 2021 South Asian Studies Program Seminar on Wednesday, October 13, from 5:30-6:30 p.m. via Zoom.
Virtual Homecoming 2021 announcement
Monday, September 20, 2021
Virtual Homecoming is a chance to keep the Hawkeye spirit alive by sharing a "homecoming message" with the UI community, regardless of where you are in the world.
International Programs to host conversation with National Book Award Finalist Pilar Quintana
Friday, September 17, 2021
Join International Programs for the fourth installment in their Global Alumni Spotlight Series featuring Colombian novelist, writer, and University of Iowa Writing Program alumnae (IWP ‘11). Pilar will talk with UI International Programs Associate Provost and Dean Russ Ganim about her experience at the University of Iowa International Writing Program, her writing projects and awards, thoughts on cultivating a successful writing career, and advice for aspiring writers.
International Programs to host conversation with Shirley Hwei-Chung Shao
Friday, September 17, 2021
International Programs continues its Global Alumni Spotlight Series featuring University of Iowa MS grad and former CFO of AIA China Shirley Hwei-Chung Shao. Shao will talk with UI International Programs Associate Provost and Dean Russ Ganim about her experience at Iowa, thoughts on cultivating a successful career spanning the globe, and advice for current students/young professionals.
Guest speaker to lecture on Gastronomical crossroads of Koreans and Yemenis
Wednesday, September 15, 2021
The Korean Studies Research Network and International Programs will present a virtual lecture by guest speaker Robert Ji-Song Ku entitled "The Pork Belly Fallacy: Koreans and Yemenis at the Gastronomical Crossroads" on Tuesday, October 5, from 3:30 - 5 p.m.
Student spotlight: Seongsu Kim
Wednesday, September 15, 2021
Hailing from Yongin, South Korea, Seongsu Kim realized his goal of studying in the United States when he decided to attend the University of Iowa. The economics major is heavily involved in campus activities and is appreciative of the “strong bond” of Hawkeyes. Learn more about his experiences on campus below.
Buenos días. Me llamo Antonio - reflections on my 8-week global health elective in Riobamba, Ecuador
Wednesday, September 15, 2021
“Buenos días. Me llamo Antonio, y soy estudiante de medicina de Estados Unidos. Como puedo ayudarle hoy?” So began many appointments during my 8-week global health elective with the Cacha Medical Spanish Institute in Riobamba, Ecuador, last summer.
Welcoming Week to take place September 10-19, 2021
Wednesday, September 8, 2021
As certified welcoming communities through Welcoming America (a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization), both Iowa City, Iowa, and Johnson County, Iowa, will celebrate Welcoming Week from September 10–19, 2021. The annual celebration is intended to bring community members of all backgrounds together to connect with one another and convey the value of inclusive and welcoming places.
In the news: The fish at Hancher's doorstep tell a story, and soon will have names
Thursday, September 2, 2021
Each day when I walk toward the front door of Hancher Auditorium at the University of Iowa, a school of fish is there to welcome me.