Getting Started
I want to study abroad, but where do I start?
The first thing you need to do is to attend a Discover Study Abroad (DSA) session. DSA discusses what study abroad is, programs that are available, things to consider, and how to get the process moving. These sessions are offered twice a week during the academic year on Tuesdays at 12:30 p.m. and Fridays at 11:00 a.m. These sessions are offered virtually and to sign up simply email to attend.
What programs are available?
Our website lists all UI-sponsored study abroad programs. Our program search page allows you to search programs by country, region, session (fall, spring, winter, summer) and by type of program. You can also search programs by major on our Major Advising Pages.
Additionally, you can find international internship information on our website: on-site and virtual.
I have a program picked out. What do I do now?
If you haven’t attended a Discover Study Abroad (DSA) session, do that first. After attending a DSA session, you can call the Study Abroad office at 319-335-0353 and set up an appointment with the study abroad advisor that handles your chosen program.
Locations and Timing
Where can I study abroad?
International Programs has over 200 study abroad programs in 49 countries. There are programs on every continent except Antarctica. It can feel overwhelming with so many options, so it is recommended that you take some time and think about what you want out of the study abroad experience personally, academically, and professionally. By understanding yours goals and objectives, you can narrow down your choices.
When can I study abroad?
International Programs has semester-long programs for the fall and spring, academic year programs, summer programs of varying lengths, and winter session programs. Some programs also run over spring break or in May, shortly after the end of the spring semester.
When is the best time to study abroad?
This is a question that you must answer for yourself in consultation with your academic advisor. For some majors, a summer program may work best, and for others it may be a fall semester program.
Will studying abroad put me behind with my four-year academic plan?
International Programs has been tracking this statistic since 2010, and students who study abroad have a 32% higher probability of graduating in four years than students who do not study abroad. Students should work closely with their academic advisor(s) to plan for successful completion of all academic requirements - both on campus and abroad.
Where can I study abroad to get credit for my major?
During academic year 2018-2019, over 90 different majors studied abroad. You can find a program abroad in which to earn credit towards almost any major. However, some students take courses abroad that focus on minors, certificates, general elective requirements, and general elective credit. For major-specific programs you can look at our MAPS (Major Advising Pages).
How do I know if my credits from studying abroad will transfer to the University of Iowa?
All credit from UI-sponsored study abroad programs will transfer back to the University of Iowa, at least as general elective credit. You need to work with your academic advisors and your study abroad advisor to determine how courses taken abroad can fulfill degree requirements.
Am I able to earn Honors credit while studying abroad?
Yes! Please speak with UI Honors as to how this process works.
Can I do an internship?
Yes! International Programs offers internships. Find out more about on-site international internships and virtual global internships.
How much does study abroad cost?
There are many factors that determine the cost of studying abroad. The type of program, the duration of the program, and the destination are the largest elements when calculating the cost. Most program websites have a “Cost Sheet” available under the “Application” tab. These Cost Sheets show best estimated costs for the program.
Are there scholarships available for studying abroad?
Yes! The Study Abroad office awards about $600,000 a year in scholarships and grants. There are merit scholarships, need-based grants, Global Access Ambassador scholarships, and program-specific awards. Our scholarship page has all the details. Additionally, UI Colleges (College of Engineering, Tippie College of Business, College of Public Health, etc.) have scholarships specifically for study abroad.
Can I use my financial aid to study abroad?
Yes! All federal financial aid is applicable towards study abroad. Please contact the Office of Student Financial Aid if there are specific questions about your specific aid package.
Can I use the scholarship I currently have to study abroad?
Yes! UI admissions scholarships can be used to study abroad as long as you study abroad during the same session that your scholarship is applicable for here on campus. So, if your scholarship is for the fall and spring semester, if would be applicable to study abroad during a fall or spring semester. However, if you decided to study abroad during the summer and that scholarship is not applicable towards summer classes on campus, then it would not be applicable towards study abroad.
Please contact the Office of Student Financial Aid for more details.