This page contains information about administrative resources, IP-sponsored event resources, and e-forms supported by the Communications & Relations team in International Programs.  The resources and services below are available for use by IP staff. 

If you have questions about any of these services, please email

Administrative Resources

Door access

If you need access to enter 1111 UCC or the UCC restrooms, or have questions about your access, please contact Amy Green.

Business cards

Please contact Amy Green if you need to order business cards. 

Email signatures

Please see the UI Brand Manual for instructions about what to include in your email signature. The entire signature is set in the font Arial, 10pt, in the color black. There is also a handy link to instructions for how to set up your email signature in Outlook. Our email signatures should follow this model:

Name (xx/xxx/xxxx) 
Title, International Programs
1111 University Capitol Centre, Iowa City, Iowa 52242
Office: 319-xxx-xxx

Iowa gold logo

IP-branded stationary

IP branded stationary/envelopes/cards are located in the workroom.  Please contact Amy Green to reorder stationary.

Media requests

If you’re contacted by a media reporter, refer the reporter to Katie Ron. You may also contact Amy Brewster if Katie Ron is not available.

Name badges

Please contact Amy Green if you need to order a name badge. 

IP name tags are black with a gold block IOWA logo centered with 3 lines.

Firstname Lastname
Unit name
International Programs

Professional portraits

All staff are welcome to have a professional photo taken in a studio managed by the UI Office of Strategic Communication.  If you would like to use this photo on the IP website along with your directory information, please contact Katie Ron.  View more information here.

Web updates

If you would like to become an IP web editor to make edits to sections of the site that pertain to your role, please contact Kate Murphy who will walk you through the basic training program. If you would like edits made to the website but do not want to make them yourself, please contact Kate Murphy

Writing/editing tips

International Programs has developed writing and editing guidelines to make communications consistent and that follow UI best practices and conventions.

Event Resources

UI/IP-branded promotional items

If you need to order new promotional items (i.e. swag), contact Amy Green.  If you need some items we already have in stock, or if you want to see the supply of everything we have, contact Amy Green or Amy Brandt.

IP event calendar

The IP event calendar is an internal calendar for IP staff to see what is happening across all sections of IP. It's available by adding to your calendar lists. 

Follow the steps below:
1.    Navigate to your calendar
2.    On the left menu bar with your HawkID email, click the 3 dots
3.    Select "Add Shared Calendar"
4.    Search for
5.    Select "Add" or "Open"

To add your events to the calendar, email them to Amy Green.

Room reservations

Reservations in the International Commons - UCC 1117, or the International Programs' Dean's Conference Room - UCC 1111B, may be requested through the Microsoft Outlook Calendar. Look for the room availability at or

See additional reservation information for the International Commons (UCC 1117) here.


If you need event supplies (plates, flatware and serving utensils, cups, etc.), contact Amy Brandt.

Amy Brandt, working in coordination with Daniel Vorwerk, will make sure other supplies (hot water percolator, glass water dispensers, rice cookers, etc. are available for various events based on the need and timing for all events happening within IP. To ensure equitable access to event supplies, check with Amy Brandt for availability.

When tablecloths are used for an event, dirty tablecloths need to be put in the laundry bin in the recycling cube. Amy Green will coordinate getting items laundered and returned.

IT Resources

IP's liaison to Information Technology Services (ITS)

IP’s liaison to ITS is Mary Paterson,

Standard keyboards, mice, webcams, and/or headsets

IP has a limited inventory of standard keyboards, mice, and headsets (and replacement foam pads) located in the filing cabinet in the Study Abroad area (directly across from the sofa). Take as needed; no inventory records required.

Requests for new IT-related equipment

Requests for new equipment such as, but not limited to laptops, monitors, webcams, docking stations, power supplies, phone headsets, desktop printers, and/or ergonomic mice/keyboards should be sent via email to (with a copy to

Requests for technical assistance

Requests for assistance related to your use of technology should be submitted via email to Please copy Mary Paterson on all technical assistance emails so she can jump in and help if need be.


speech bubble with pen

C&R Profile Recommendation Form

Submit names of individuals you would recommend the Communications and Relations team feature in upcoming communication and marketing plans.


Event Publicity Form

Submit this form as soon as you have all details of your event finalized.  C&R staff can assist you in distributing your event details to appropriate audiences. You will be unable to submit this form for events that are less than three weeks away; additional lead time is recommended to maximize publicity.

five people

International Delegation Visit Request Form

In order to better accommodate official visitors, please fill out this form at least four weeks in advance of the international visitor arrival date.


IP Media Release Request Form

To standardize department media release requests, and mirror practices established by the Office of Strategic Communication, IP staff must send this form to request to use digital media from other parties.

paintbrush and paint

Non-Event Design Project Request Form

This form is for IP staff to communicate their design project needs to IP’s graphic designer, such as a poster, a web graphic, a brochure, etc. If you require design/publicity materials for an event, please use our Event Publicity Form instead.


Print Request Form

Submit this form at least one to two weeks before the date the print job is needed.