International Programs Annual Report

The UI International Programs 2024 annual report provides general information about IP as well as an overview of the past year’s activities, projects, research, events, statistics, student and faculty achievements, photos and more. Download the PDF version of our 2024 Annual Report.
Reports and Studies
International Programs Review - October 2020
This review was conducted in fall 2020 according to university guidelines (MOP Part II 28.2) and the corresponding documentation below represents the results of that review.
Final Committee Report (PDF)
Provost Kregel's Recommendation Letter (PDF)
International Programs Response (PDF)
2019 International Programs Self-Study
This document covers the many advances International Programs has made in fulfilling our mission in recent years and mentions challenges we see in both the near and far term. View the 2019 IP Self-Study as a PDF.
International Student Support and Integration Report
This report by the University of Iowa International Student Committee assesses the effectiveness of the programs and initiatives related to international students on the University of Iowa campus. The International Student Committee was established to ensure that the campus infrastructure was in place to accommodate the surge in undergraduate international students. They conducted an audit of existing programming and processes across campus and made recommendations on how to improve processes to create an improved experience for entering international students and staff. View the International Student Support and Integration report online or download the International Student Support and Integration Report as a PDF.
2021 National Health Assessment Summary for University of Iowa International Students
This 2021 report, published by University of Iowa Student Heath & Wellness, contains data on health behaviors, attitudes, and beliefs of University of Iowa international students. The American College Health Association’s National College Health Assessment (NCHA) II instrument was used to survey a sample of undergraduate students. Download the NCHA report as a PDF.
Grants and Funding Report: 2009-2014
This report provides an overview of nationally-competitive grants and fellowships awarded to University of Iowa students and alumni from 2009-2014 including Fulbright grants, Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarships, DAAD awards, Critical Language Scholarships, and Boren scholarships and fellowships. View the grants and funding report online or download the grants and funding report as a PDF.