Laura in Sydney with opera house in background

Philanthropic support is critical to ensuring the continued growth and success of International Programs. Your gift makes it possible for International Programs to shape and guide the University of Iowa’s role as a leading international institution serving Iowa and the world.

The Together Hawkeyes comprehensive campaign is our opportunity to join with other Hawkeyes to ensure a bright future for Iowa’s people and programs. The campaign seeks to fulfill these historic campaign goals: reach 300,000 alumni and friends, establish 3 million points of connection, and raise $3 billion for Iowa’s boldest aspirations.

International Programs’ fundraising priorities closely align with the UI strategic plan. Our Together Hawkeyes efforts focus on gifts to create scholarship opportunities for Hawkeyes to study, intern, or conduct research abroad; develop programming to ensure international students feel welcomed and supported while living and studying in Iowa; and provide funding opportunities and grant and fellowship assistance for UI faculty engaged in international research.

Thank you for helping us ensure that students, faculty, staff, and the community broaden their educational experiences and perspectives.

Make a gift now  

Giving contact

Katharine Lasansky 
Executive Director of Development 
University of Iowa Center for Advancement 
One West Park Road 
Iowa City, IA 52240 
(319) 467-3805