Traditional study abroad is a credit-bearing academic travel experience, although UI Study Abroad may also administer non-credit international travel and virtual engagement courses that support the academic mission of the University of Iowa and contribute to faculty learning goals for students. There are many ways in which UI faculty can contribute to study abroad.

Faculty-led Study Abroad Programs

Faculty members develop and lead short-term study abroad programs with support from UI Study Abroad, enriching the curricular offerings for UI students.

Faculty members with ideas for new programs should contact the assistant provost of International Programs. If the proposed program is feasible, a preliminary proposal is completed for review by the Study Abroad advisory committee. If approved, the assistant provost will appoint a professional staff member from Study Abroad will be appointed to act as the program coordinator, working with the faculty director to promote the program, and to make logistical arrangements abroad. Planning a new program usually begins 12-24 months prior to its first offering.

The success of a new study abroad program depends on many factors. Some of these include:

  • Course content that is relevant and interesting to a critical mass of students
  • Courses that fulfill specific UI degree requirements, e.g., a General Education Requirement, or a major, minor, or certificate program requirement
  • A course location that reinforces the curricular content and makes the site a learning laboratory
  • An energetic, motivated faculty director who can successfully promote the program to students
faculty led program Lion Gate at site of Mycenae

The Study Abroad office operates study abroad programs on a cost-recovery basis. Every effort is made to keep a program affordable for the broadest possible range of UI students. In general, for a new study abroad program to break even, approximately 15 participants are required. Faculty can expect to have their airfare and housing provided by the course fee. Salary is usually collected from the students as part of the course fee they are assessed, although it is occasionally provided by the provost's office.

Study Abroad staff routinely offer the following assistance: creation and processing of applications, oversight and finalization of the program budget, student billing, disbursal of program funds, guidance and training for program leaders, a general pre-departure orientation for all study abroad students, processing of grades and student program evaluations, compliance and reporting support, safety planning and oversight during crisis response. Additional support or staffing from Study Abroad may be available if prearranged.

To begin the program proposal process, please complete the Faculty-led Study Abroad Program Proposal form.

Curriculum Integration

Faculty across campus play an important role in curriculum integration and the creation of Major Advising Pages to guide the international pursuits and study abroad program choices of students. Students typically consult departmental academic advisors for assistance completing a "Credit Approval Form," a learning agreement that analyzes credit transfer from study abroad toward major, minor, or certificate program requirements.

USAC Visiting Professor for Summer 2024

International Programs’ study abroad partner, USAC, is excited to announce their Visiting Professor (VP) program for Summer 2024.

USAC is offering eighteen (18) Visiting Professor spots for courses taught in English for Summer 2024. The application deadline is June 1, 2023, and selected applicants will be notified by August 1, 2023.

USAC will award the selected VPs a flat, $5,000 stipend. This stipend is compensation for teaching and goes toward expenses (i.e., flight, housing, meals, etc.). VPs will make and pay for all their own travel and personal arrangements. USAC will assist with finding housing. International health insurance coverage via CISI at the same level as our students will be included and paid for by USAC.

There is a minimum requirement of at least five (5) students enrolled before the course (and thus the VP participation) will be confirmed. Faculty selected as VP are required to actively assist in student recruitment on U.S. campuses and beyond. 

More information about courses and the Visiting Professor Application can be found on USAC’s page, Courses for Summer 2024 Visiting Professors Application

Note: As USAC focuses on rebuilding enrollments, for study abroad after the global pandemic, a major consideration will be the degree to which faculty can/will recruit students for the program and demonstration of prior success in recruiting students for similar opportunities. 

Should you have questions, please contact USAC at