We are committed to providing high quality educational experiences for our students, whether on campus or abroad. A successful program will meet the same standards of excellence that would be expected of a course at the University of Iowa. When developing a new program abroad, prioritization is given to health, safety, and security, academic content, strong local partnerships, intercultural experiences, and financial integrity. In order to properly address each of these issues, faculty should begin planning their program in collaboration with Study Abroad at least one year in advance.

Please include a draft syllabus/tentative itinerary for the proposed course and briefly address each of the issues discussed below. Please note that Study Abroad will review all aspects of the final program proposal, vet general program logistics, and consider the viability of the program location/site(s) before final approval. Study Abroad may contract a dedicated study abroad provider to support the logistics, safety and academics of a faculty-led course.

Please note: the first step in the program proposal process is to contact the director of study abroad health, safety, and risk management to discuss program development. If the program idea is feasible, you will be asked to submit this Faculty-led Study Abroad Program Proposal form. 

  • Current General Information
  • Program
  • Academic Logistics/Program Site
  • Sustainability
  • Health, Safety, and Security
  • Cost
  • Complete

General Information

Please describe your motivation to lead a study abroad program and your relevant international experience. Do you have prior experience leading groups of students abroad and/or facilitating cultural engagement of diverse groups of students? 
Please include draft syllabus/tentative itinerary. This does not have to be detailed; a general idea will suffice (you may upload the syllabus or copy/paste it in the field below).
One file only.
50 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, png, bmp, eps, tif, pict, psd, txt, rtf, html, odf, pdf, doc, docx, ppt, pptx, xls, xlsx, avi, mov, mp3, ogg, wav, bz2, gz, sit, svg, tar, zip.