The health, safety, and security of University of Iowa travelers is important to our entire community.
To help you understand International Programs' role in this process, as well as your own responsibilities, consult these pages for university policies, health and safety resources, high-risk travel information, and more.
Have questions?
Contact International Programs for help assessing health, safety and security risks specific to your international travel plans.
Register Your Travel
If you are traveling internationally as a UI student but not enrolled in a program facilitated by UI Study Abroad, learn how to register your travel.
International Travel Resources
Before you travel abroad, we encourage you to consult some key public resources available to help travelers understand and assess relative risks abroad.

International Travel Policy for Students
The University of Iowa supports and promotes international travel by students under the auspices of the University, while encouraging sound health, safety and security measures that minimize risks to the traveler and the institution.
International Health Insurance
The University of Iowa mandates international health insurance for all UI students traveling abroad for educational purposes, and provides medical and travel insurance coverage for faculty and staff traveling abroad on university business.