Articles from December 2021
In the news: University of Iowa dean discusses new study abroad realities
Friday, December 17, 2021
‘There is pent-up demand for international experiences’
In the news: From setback to success
Tuesday, December 14, 2021
After tanking a business analytics midterm her first semester at the University of Iowa, Kethia Mulongo rebounded and is set to graduate with a business degree and an academic certificate. She found a lot of campus support along the way.
In the news: Building community far from home
Tuesday, December 14, 2021
Mishma Nixon’s love of literature and writing led her from Sri Lanka to Iowa. Her time at the Writing University cemented her love of children’s books.
In the news: Connecting the world through language
Tuesday, December 14, 2021
By becoming fluent in Portuguese and Spanish, Holly Harris is striving for an international career where she can use the power of language to bring people together.

In the news: Korean studies grows at the University of Iowa with research hub serving the Midwest
Monday, December 13, 2021
When Hyaeweol Choi joined the University of Iowa faculty in 2018, she saw an opportunity to bring together scholars whose disciplines related to Korean studies.
Student spotlight: Ebenezer (“Eben”) Aidoo
Monday, December 13, 2021
Ebenezer (“Eben”) Aidoo, PhD student in the UI Department of Communication Studies, had several admissions offers from other graduate programs, but chose the University of Iowa “…because of the outstanding teaching and learning resources available for graduate students, reasonable cost of living, stellar health insurance package for graduate teaching and research assistants, and the vibrant academic community in Iowa City.”
Award-winning MFA student shares experiences
Tuesday, December 7, 2021
Hao Zhou, a third-year MFA student in film and video production, recently added a Student Academy Award to the list of film awards and nominations he has received over the years. As the University of Iowa’s first recipient of this honor, he won the Gold Medal award in the category of Alternative/Experimental for his film Frozen Out. He submitted Frozen Out for a 2022 Oscar nomination for Best Live Action Short Film and will learn soon whether it is selected.
In the news: Education for Employment, UI collaborate to train Saudi women in business
Friday, December 3, 2021
The University of Iowa and Education for Employment are partnering to launch a project that provides demand-driven entrepreneurship training to 50 Saudi women.

Dean's Message: UI Passport Office open for business
Wednesday, December 1, 2021
Dean Ganim celebrates the opening of the new U.S. Passport Office at the University of Iowa and how we celebrated International Education Week.