
Discover study abroad opportunities at the fall fair Sept. 19

Tuesday, June 13, 2017
Have you considered studying abroad but aren’t sure where to begin? Study Abroad in International Programs invites all UI students to discover global education opportunities during the annual study abroad fair Tuesday, September 19, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. on the second floor of the University Capitol Centre.

In the news: University of Iowa ambassador-in-residence talks about 30 years as a foreign diplomat

Tuesday, June 13, 2017
As someone who spent 30 years trying to build bridges between the United States and developing countries that included Sudan, Myanmar, Afghanistan, Fiji and the Dominican Republic, Ron McMullen thinks President Donald Trump’s plans to ban travel from several Muslim-majority countries and wall off Mexico are shortsighted and dangerous.

In the news: Fulbright scholar heads to Argentina

Tuesday, June 13, 2017
Argentina calls grad

No syllabus week, no problem!

Friday, June 9, 2017
What would we Iowa students do without our precious syllabus week? It is the only week out of the semester where we are nurtured back into the swing of attending classes. For those students who choose to take classes during a winter or summer term, syllabus week is a false promised land. My first week at University College Dublin was still nurturing even without a full syllabus week. Here are some of the biggest lessons I learned coming into a summer program abroad without having a full week to adjust.

Long live the confident and the brave

Friday, June 9, 2017
It hasn’t even been a week here in Dublin and I already feel… to be honest I don’t know how I feel. Contempt, scared, badass? Does the feeling really matter though? Everyone who goes abroad for the first time goes through a mixture of emotions that has us all reeling on our heels, grasping for holding points. For me, this trip is about pushing against the boundaries of my comfort zone, which are about as widespread as jail cell bars. This is the point in the trip where orientation has happened, I’ve explored the city with my 16 great new classmates, and I’ve gotten my bearings.


Friday, June 9, 2017
There are firsts for everything. Whether that's a first day of college, of being away from home, of feeling at home, there's always a time you can pinpoint these moments in your life that change you. Over the next six weeks or so, I'll be experiencing an entire novella of these kinds of moments.

How far I'll go

Wednesday, May 31, 2017
My adrenaline is spiking as I make final decisions on what to take across the world. Is it weird if I still want to bring my blankie? How many pairs of jeans do I pack? Why do all of my socks not have matches?

Handling emergencies abroad

Monday, May 22, 2017
Staring blankly up at the ceiling of a French hospital, I distantly understood that I was in trouble, but could find no words to explain how I felt. Speaking in French to explain my situation to the doctor was impossible, as I was no longer sure that I could speak any language. Time moved differently, jumping back and forth between clear memories of before the accident and the fuzzy, confused reality of after. My head felt eerily empty, quieter than I had ever experienced it. I had a vague sense of who I was- I knew my name, at least- but could not understand how I had gotten to be in this state.

My last hours abroad

Friday, May 19, 2017
I just left my home away from home. I woke up the last day of my program. I admittedly had been pretending this morning would never have to come. I had 24 hours to submerge myself as far as I can in the beauty of what is San Ramon Costa Rica.

Hometown Hawkeye: Farfum Ladroma

Friday, May 12, 2017
Ladroma studied French, Spanish, and International Studies: Development at the UI. A presentation about a study abroad program piqued his interest in the possibility of studying in France. A Regents Study Abroad scholarship paved the way for Ladroma’s opportunity to immerse himself in the European culture. One benefit of studying abroad that Ladroma didn’t anticipate was meeting his future wife, Ashley (DeCarlo) Ladroma, B.A, communication studies, French, at a presentation in Lyon, France. The couple grew up just 38 miles from each other (Ashley is from Harlan, Iowa), but first met in France.