
In the news: World-renowned water expert charts own path at Iowa

Thursday, June 21, 2018
V.C. Patel was working in aerodynamics when he came to Iowa in 1970. Convinced to shift his focus from the air to the water, he became a great contributor to the field of fluid dynamics. Iowa provided him a place to flourish.

In the news: UI graduate takes her love of languages to Germany on a Fulbright grant

Wednesday, June 20, 2018
UI Fulbright recipient Lucy Patterson will use her grant to channel her language proficiency, quench her love for travel, and find her international calling.

Discover study abroad opportunities at the fall fair Sept. 18

Monday, June 18, 2018
Curious about what it's like to study abroad, but aren't sure where to begin? Get your questions answered and kick-start your global experience at the upcoming fall study abroad fair! 

Studying abroad in the Islamic world (and surviving the occasional sandstorm)

Friday, June 15, 2018
It’s 4 a.m. Omani time and I just finished suhoor, a.k.a. pre-sunrise breakfast. With some encouragement from Muslim friends back in the U.S., I have dedicated myself to abstaining from eating or drinking from sun up to sun down, as the whole Muslim world does during the Ramadan holy month.

In the news: UI student sets off to Portugal on Fulbright Grant

Friday, June 15, 2018
Rita Guzmán will travel to the coastal city of Porto to work as an English teaching assistant.

In the news: Home-Based Palliative Care Program Relieves Chronic Pain in Kerala, India: Success Realized Through Patient, Family Narratives

Friday, June 15, 2018
An estimated 1.5 billion people across the globe live with chronic pain, and an estimated 61 million people worldwide experience unrelieved serious health-related suffering. One-sixth of the global population lives in India, where approximately 10 million people endure unrelieved serious health-related suffering. The state of Kerala is home to Pallium India, one of the most sophisticated palliative care programs in the country. This private organization in Trivandrum provides palliative and hospice care to underresourced populations and emphasizes holistic pain treatment. The current project features the pain stories of six patients who received treatment from Pallium India. Basic patient demographic information was collected, and a Pallium India staff member who was fluent in Malayalam and English asked questions about each patient’s pain experience. Pain narratives illustrate the substantial impact of Pallium India’s home visit program and the role of total pain assessment in delivering high-quality palliative care.

Fulbright recipient focuses on women’s health issues in India

Monday, June 11, 2018
One former University of Iowa student aims to conquer the breast and cervical cancer epidemic in India, a passion she acquired and fostered while being an Iowa Hawkeye.

Being braver abroad

Thursday, June 7, 2018
Some of the best experiences come out of nowhere—but you have to be there first.

Inside the Sultanate

Wednesday, June 6, 2018
After three days of orientation, 18 hours on planes, and two hours driving, I am finally in Ibri, Sultanate of Oman!  This summer, I will be studying intensive Arabic (both Modern Standard and Omani Dialect) at the Noor Majan Institute after  being awarded a Critical Language Scholarship through the U.S. State Department.

University of Iowa students selected as IES Abroad Correspondents in Rome, Dublin, London, and Cape Town

Tuesday, June 5, 2018
From a competitive pool of more than 100 applicants around the country, four UI students have been selected by IES Abroad to share their unique, first-hand study abroad experiences with the world as IES Correspondents for Summer 2018: