Articles from 2023

Cecilia Bradley at the National Library in Buenos Aires

Take your research abroad with a Stanley Award - upcoming 2023 info sessions

Tuesday, September 19, 2023
The Stanley Undergraduate and Graduate Awards for International Research are given annually to outstanding University of Iowa students for the pursuit of research and learning activities outside of the United States.
Dr. Zainub Priya Dala

What Gandhi did not see: author Dr. Zainub Priya Dala to deconstruct aspects of being Indian in South Africa

Monday, September 18, 2023
Join the South Asian Studies Program as they welcome author Dr. Zainub Priya Dala on Friday, October 6. Dala will provide an assessment of the legacy of Gandhi in South Africa, the land where he began his political career before going on to become one of the most enigmatic - and controversial - leaders the modern world has seen. 
Karen Bjøro

Global Alumni Spotlight Series features global nursing leader Dr. Karen Bjøro 

Monday, September 18, 2023
Dr. Karen Bjøro (PhD gerontological nursing ‘08), a leader in global nursing and health policy, will join International Programs on October 30 in this virtual talk as part of our Global Alumni Spotlight Series.
Bohyeong Kim

Critical Capitalism: South Korea’s aspiring millionaires and the spirit of the asset economy

Friday, September 15, 2023
The Korean Studies Research Network presents “Critical Capitalism: South Korea’s Aspiring Millionaires and the Spirit of the Asset Economy” on Thursday, November 30 and features Dr. Bohyeong Kim of Vanderbilt University.
image of mandala made of sand

In the news: Garchen Mila Buddhist Center brings sand mandalas to the UI

The mandala was on display Sept. 5-8. On Sept. 8, there was a dissolution and procession where the sand was poured into the Iowa River.
University of Dar es Salaam logo

Bridging voices: exploring language justice and identity

Tuesday, September 12, 2023
The University of Iowa and the University of Dar es Salaam will host a webinar on language pedagogy on Tuesday, November 28, from 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. (CST).
Picture of women in the Cafe Tortoni, black and white, 1934

Stanley Award empowers undergraduate to dive into Argentine poetry 

Friday, September 8, 2023
Cecilia Bradley, an English and creative writing major from Tempe, Arizona, received a Stanley Award for International Research in 2023 to travel to Argentina and Uruguay to conduct research.
Jason Lammer with family

First-generation graduate reflects on two decades of living overseas

Thursday, September 7, 2023
Since graduating from the University of Iowa with a bachelor’s degree in fine arts in 2002, Jason Lammer, an Iowa City native, has been living and working abroad for almost two decades as an English language educator and business owner.
students on the faculty-led program on sustainability in Europe standing together with view of village in background

Iowa STEM students explore sustainability across the Atlantic

Tuesday, September 5, 2023
A group of STEM students from the University of Iowa traveled to Europe to experience sustainability in action.
So-Rim Lee

Korean Studies Research Network presents talk on beauty and body politics in post-authoritarian South Korea 

Tuesday, September 5, 2023
The Korean Studies Research Network presents “Remedy, Mobility, and the Feminized Consumption of Beauty in Post-Authoritarian South Korea” on November 15, featuring Dr. So-Rim Lee from the University of Pennsylvania.