Articles from October 2017
Study Abroad to host info session on Freiburg program
Tuesday, October 10, 2017
UI students who are interested in studying abroad in Germany are invited to attend an information session on The Academic Year in Freiburg program, on Monday, November 6, from 4-5 p.m. in 315 Phillips Hall.
Japanese culture festival to be held Nov. 3
Monday, October 9, 2017
Want to learn more about traditional Japanese culture? Join the University of Iowa Japanese Program for a fun-filled opportunity to experience Japanese culture on Friday, November 3, from 4:30-7:30 p.m. at the Iowa City Public Library, Meeting Room A. This event is free and open to the public. All ages are welcome.
WorldCanvass ReCap: Embracing Complexity
Monday, October 9, 2017
WorldCanvass started its ninth season by teaming up with Hancher and its Embracing Complexity project for a multi-layered program exploring the beauty of Islamic art and the diversity within Islamic cultures. Joan Kjaer and guests discussed the great diversity that exists within Islamic cultures and traditions, ancient and modern, near and far. They examined the many aesthetic, artistic, architectural, and other elements of Islamic expression that have made their way into the global consciousness and talked with a playwright who’s documenting the contemporary Muslim experience in Iowa. The show was closed out with a performance by musical group, Niyaz. They shared their musical vision, which is rooted in ancient poetry and Sufi mysticism, and their hopes to unite different peoples and traditions through a common humanity.
Adjustments and keeping your doors open
Monday, October 9, 2017
The first week abroad is filled with different emotions. Every person is going to feel different emotions at different times throughout the week. I remember reading an article about culture shock a week before I departed for Thessaloniki. I was surprised that it did not hit me right away! It took a while, but it did occur while in my first week of classes.
Bilingual readings with Fujino Kaori
Tuesday, October 3, 2017
Please join the UI Japanese Program for two evenings of bilingual readings with author Fujino Kaori! Fujino Kaori, winner of the Akutagawa Prize and 2017 International Writing Program participant, will read from two of her short stories in the original Japanese, and members of the Workshop in Japanese Literary Translation will read from their English translations. Both events are free and open to the public.
Commitment to Internationalization: Q&A with Madeleine Green
Tuesday, October 3, 2017
Madeleine Green is the third speaker in the Commitment to Internationalization lecture series. Her talk, "Are We There Yet?: The Long (and Winding) Road to Global Learning for All," will be on Thursday, November 2, at 4:00 p.m. in the Old Capitol Senate Chamber. This lecture continues the conversation about the UI's vision and strategic themes for campus internationalization.
Journalism, free press, and fake news the subject of October 18 WorldCanvass
Tuesday, October 3, 2017
News. Fake news. Disinformation. Fact-checking. Sourced news. Unverified sources. Social media incursions by foreign nations. Cleverly disguised mass propaganda that masquerades as a heartfelt message from a friend…….who knows what to believe anymore when even undeniably true facts are in dispute? This question is at the heart of the upcoming WorldCanvass discussion, when the topic is “Journalism and a Free Press in the Age of Fake News.” The live event takes place from 5:30-7 p.m. on October 18 at MERGE, 136 South Dubuque Street, and is hosted for UI International Programs by Joan Kjaer. We invite you to come at 5 and join us for a pre-show catered reception!
Info session on summer internships in Dublin to be held Oct 25
Monday, October 2, 2017
Are you interested in learning about earning UI credit while spending eight weeks during the summer interning full-time in the field of your choice in Dublin? UI students are invited to attend an information session with IES Abroad, featuring guest speaker Stephen McMahon, faculty member at IES Internships.
Info session on summer internships in Barcelona to be held Oct 10
Monday, October 2, 2017
Are you interested in learning about earning UI credit while spending eight weeks during the summer interning full-time in the field of your choice in Barcelona? UI students are invited to attend an information session with IES Abroad, featuring guest speaker Dr. Cèsar Alegre Alsina, center director at IES Internships.
From my desk in Austria
Monday, October 2, 2017
Wow sometimes it’s hard to believe how quickly time passes. I feel as though I’ve only just arrived and yet I’m already a quarter of the way through my exchange semester! I do attribute some of this feeling to the fact that I have yet to begin my actual classes. The semester officially began this week, but my first class isn’t until next Monday.