Articles from 2015

UI to receive Japan Foundation grant at Oct. 16 ceremony

Monday, September 28, 2015
Come celebrate with us as Ms. Sawako Kojima, of the Japan Information Center and Consulate-General of Japan in Chicago, presents the Japan Foundation Institutional Project Support Program in Japanese Studies to the University of Iowa.

Loebsack, Dwight to join WorldCanvass discussion on the evolution of climate change, October 13

Friday, September 25, 2015
On the next WorldCanvass, we’ll bring together members of the scientific research community, political leaders, and entrepreneurs to consider the topic of climate change and how it’s evolved in both scientific understanding and public discourse over the past twenty-five years. The WorldCanvass discussion will take place at 5 p.m., October 13, at FilmScene in downtown Iowa City and is free and open to the public.

University of Iowa, Kosovo sign MOU to create law externship abroad

Friday, September 25, 2015
Leaders from the University of Iowa and the Kosovo Ministry of Foreign Affairs gathered in Des Moines earlier this month to sign an agreement that creates an externship program abroad for UI law students. The externship is available to any UI law student who has completed at least one year of law school, takes place at the Kosovo Ministry of Foreign Affairs and involves international law research.

Adjusting to Life in Ireland

Thursday, September 24, 2015
Dia duit! That means hello in Irish. My name is Kelsey O’Donnell and I am junior at the University of Iowa studying International Studies and Anthropology. For my entire junior year, however, I am studying abroad in Cork, Ireland at University College Cork. While here, I am taking classes in History, Folklore, French, Literature, and Politics. I chose to study in Ireland because it is a beautiful country with friendly people. I knew that it would be a good choice for my first long-term stay abroad. University College Cork has a great international reputation and the campus is gorgeous.

LGBTQ Identity Abroad: 'Identity neither defines nor confines'

Wednesday, September 23, 2015
My sexual identity has never been an easy subject with me. I like to say it is similar to having your worst fear tattooed on your forehead. So, I was branded with “GAY” on my forehead. There were nights where I hated every part of myself because of this one little section of my being, but there were also nights that I felt amazing because of my differences. Going to a nation that the majority of popular opinion is opposed to gay marriage was daunting and it made me think about more than just my sexual identity.

Meet the Parents

Wednesday, September 23, 2015
First, a question for my fellow study abroad students (or potential ones). Is there such thing as the perfect host family? Well, I think so, and they go by the names, Harumichi and Machico. However, they have requested I call them ‘Otousan’ and ‘Okaasan,’ or ‘Father’ and ‘Mother.’ To my fellow Americans back home who are unaware of Japanese culture, this may seem slightly odd. However, in Japan, this is actually seen as quite normal and also, to a degree, respectful. They are an elderly couple who have a few children of their own (who now live elsewhere) and have done everything they can to make me feel like part of the family.

Hardship, Happiness and a Hundred Battles

Wednesday, September 23, 2015
On the first day of class, I can’t tell if the teacher is giving an overview of the course or trying to convince people to drop it. Perhaps the culprit of my confusion is my participation in a rigorous study abroad program at Peking University, known as the “Harvard of China”, through which I am directly enrolled in classes with Chinese undergraduate students at the School of Economics and the School of International Studies.

How to Overcome Doubt When Deciding to Study Abroad

Tuesday, September 22, 2015
“Dude, you’re a senior. Why are you studying abroad?” Okay, I haven’t actually been asked this question by another human being, but I have contemplated it on numerous occasions. Now, have I answered this question to myself? Yes. Yes I have.

Adventure in Meknès

Tuesday, September 22, 2015
I've studied Arabic for three years. I can write papers, discuss ideas, give presentations, and I can't even ask a taxi driver what the fare is in Morocco. Or I couldn't yesterday morning, when my fellow international student and I took a taxi with four other people (two in the front seat, four squeezed in the back) to the city of Meknès, about an hour away from campus, for the day. We were lucky– there happened to be someone else in the taxi who spoke English.

Writing Iowa in Kazakhstan

Monday, September 21, 2015
Harry Leeds had expected students to be shy about writing poetry in English, the way any student might be nervous about writing and sharing personal work in a second language. When it came to the 20 Kazakh students in his poetry workshop, however, he was wrong: “Some people didn’t want to share with the group,” Leeds says, “but everyone wrote.”