Articles from 2015

Korean cooking class spring series to begin Feb.12

Friday, December 4, 2015
Do you want to try cooking Korean food? Learn about Korean culture while making Korean food at one of several cooking classes offered by the King Sejong Institute at the University of Iowa.

With an eye toward greater efficiency

Wednesday, December 2, 2015
A team of University of Iowa students will visit India in January to help a world-renowned eye doctor provide vision care and cataract surgery to more poor patients.

UI students attend global climate meeting

Wednesday, December 2, 2015
The University of Iowa is sending a delegation to the global climate talks in Paris.

The Way to a Man's Heart

Tuesday, December 1, 2015
Let me tell you all something. I’ve been here in Japan for a little over two months now. During this time I have seen some amazing things, made some great friends, and had some incredible experiences. But do you know what has really gotten me excited during my time in this wondrous land? If you haven’t been able to guess by the title, it’s the food…the absolutely wonderful food.

African Studies Program to host Dec. 2 discussion

Tuesday, December 1, 2015
The International and African Studies Programs will host yet another baraza, or discussion - this time, with Marie Kruger, an associate professor in the Department of English. Trauma on Display: Commemorating Apartheid on Constitution Hill will explore how physical sites across South Africa are devoted to the commemoration of apartheid atrocities, from Robben Island to the Apartheid Museum.

Muslim college students seek permanent prayer scene

Tuesday, December 1, 2015
As the call to prayers began in Arabic on a recent Friday, a handful of people already had gathered in a room at the Iowa Memorial Union.

Proposed tuition hike for international students draws ire

Tuesday, December 1, 2015
Iowa State University's student government is pushing back against a proposal to raise tuition $1,500 per year for international students. The proposal comes as Iowa State and the University of Iowa are enrolling record numbers of international students.

Students from UI seek a global outlook

Friday, November 27, 2015
Organizers of an upcoming University of Iowa trip to a hospital in southern India say they hope to boost students’global perspectives and insight into using telemedicine.

UI community celebrates Thanksgiving with Harvest Dinner at Old Brick center

Friday, November 27, 2015
For University of Iowa students who stay on campus over Thanksgiving, it can be difficult to celebrate the holidays. So, for the second time since 2013, UI held a Harvest Dinner open to students, faculty and staff at the Old Brick community center at 26 East Market St. The Center for Diversity and Enrichment, Provost’s Office and International Student and Scholar Services sponsored the event.

International student enrollment soars in Iowa and nationally

Tuesday, November 24, 2015
The number of international students studying at U.S. colleges and universities last year saw its biggest increase in 35 years — an uptick reflected in Iowa, which experienced an 8 percent bump in foreign students and saw a $351 million economic impact, a study shows. Iowa State University and the University of Iowa host the most international students in the state, both ranking in the top 50 nationally out of 1,485 higher education institutions, according to a new 2015 Open Doors Report from the Institute of International Education.