From Iowa City to China
Thursday, August 13, 2015
China has about 100 million children learning English, and a pair of University of Iowa students have started a new business to help them. Western Wise started offering real-time English language tutoring services for children in China over the Internet in February and has today about 25 clients, nine tutors, and a total of 10 employees. The business, which is headquartered in the Bedell Entrepreneurship Learning Laboratory (BELL) student-owned business incubator, is owned by Emily Roberts, a senior majoring in Spanish and finance, and Chen Cui, a doctoral engineering student.
Beyond the Sousse, Tunisia, attacks: economic development, fair trade, and terrorism
Tuesday, August 11, 2015
The intent of those who planned and carried out the recent terrorist attack in Tunisia and the reactions to it, both underscore the idiosyncratic connections between economic development and terrorism.
Stanley Awardee reflects on research, a Turkish pride parade, and the vibrant life of Istanbul
Tuesday, August 11, 2015
Delaney Nolan, an MFA candidate at the Iowa Writers' Workshop, traveled to Istanbul on a Stanley Award. She researched topics such as gender, sexuality, and feminism within modern and historical Turkish society, which enabled her to write two short stories. She reflects on her research and the lively city of Istanbul in the following story.
Student reflections on race and ethnicity: multicultural upbringing an added bonus for travel
Monday, August 10, 2015
UI Study Abroad Diversity Ambassador Stephanie Cuddalore Priya is an accounting student at the Tippie College of Business, and a CIMBA spring 2015 alumna. She studied in the small Italian town, Paderno Del Grappa for 12 weeks, traveling to 10 different countries and experiencing self-discovery, adventure, and culture. In this letter to prospective students, she reflects on overcoming being a 'homebody' and how her multicultural background comes in handy while traveling.
Stanley Award recipient discusses summer research and the cool vibes of the "European Youth Capitol"
Monday, August 10, 2015
Jessica Lile, a UI undergraduate, received the Stanley award to conduct research for eight weeks on adolescent tobacco usage in Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
UI design students create 3-D booth for Iowa State Fair
Friday, August 7, 2015
University of Iowa has had a booth for years, often used as a recruiting center and Hawk Shop, but this display stands apart. For the first time, it was designed and constructed by UI 3D design students.
University of Iowa always assessing study abroad safety
Monday, August 3, 2015
'It’s not too uncommon for University of Iowa students who are studying abroad to leave temporarily or take a break due to an illness, injury or family emergency. But rarely do students cut short their experience and not return to their program in some capacity, according to UI International Programs.
Morocco as told in 7 Darija (Moroccan Arabic) Phrases
Tuesday, May 5, 2015
Zwina is one of the most beautiful (ha) words in the Arabic language, in part because it can describe literally everything – the food is zwina, the weather’s zwina, this class is zwina. The idea of food being beautiful or tasting beautiful is a strange expression in English, but is common and complimentary in Darija. In Rabat, Morocco, the world is zwina – the people, the ancient city, the cafés on the corners and morning call to prayer. The weather is a sunny 75 degrees, and coastal breeze blows in each evening from the sea. The Kingdom of Morocco is zwina.
4 differences between life in the U.S. and South Africa
Thursday, June 12, 2014
Moving to Africa is a big enough change all on its own, but the day-to-day differences are definitely the ones that are the hardest to get used to. Here are a few differences I have really noticed in my daily life here in South Africa...