global access ambassador

Safeya Banner

Celebrating diversity and empowerment: A Black Muslim woman's journey in London

Monday, April 15, 2024
"My identity as a Black Muslim woman influenced my study abroad experience in a profound way. I was drawn to the large Black Muslim population in London and made it a goal to connect with others who shared similar experiences and backgrounds."
Sarah Onysio

Exploring water quality and education in rural India: an environmental engineering student’s experience

Monday, April 8, 2024
Sarah Onysio, an environmental engineering major and Global Access Ambassador, participated in the India Winterim Program in winter 23-24.
Halle Eisfelder Banner

Clean water leads to education: Understanding water scarcity in rural India

Thursday, April 4, 2024
"It was difficult to hear how limited education is for women living in India, but inspiring to see how change is occurring to raise the numbers of girls in school. It has inspired me to be a part of the next generation of environmental engineers to design systems to give clean water access to individuals all around the world."
Naina Miranda Banner

Journey to my roots: Rediscovering India and embracing identity

Friday, March 29, 2024
Not only was the India Winterim Program the perfect opportunity for me to reconnect with...experiences I had as a child, but it also enabled me to see India in a way that I truly never would have on my own."
Evren Sasmazer

Sacred Karelia: My Eastern Orthodox identity and studying abroad in Finland

Friday, March 22, 2024
"As a member of the Eastern Orthodox Church...and as a religious studies major, Eastern Christianity has been the centerpiece of my personal and academic life for a long time. The prospect of living in a heavily Orthodox region of the country and studying Orthodox history and thought was incredibly exciting to me."
Suraj Moorjani

Discovering how my Indian culture intertwines with the world of international business

Wednesday, March 20, 2024
"The teams from all over the world helped me learn that while English is the common language of business, there are so many nuances we as humans must be aware of when interpreting the way others choose to represent themselves."
Katie Wilhelm

Embracing Seoul: A journey of self-discovery and empowerment through study abroad

Wednesday, February 21, 2024
As a Black woman, I was nervous about traveling in a different country by myself for the first time. During my time abroad I quickly discovered that my fears were for naught.
Ayah ElGaddal

Learning to take comfort in the smallest acts: What I learned from studying abroad in England

Friday, February 16, 2024
"If I said this was my first time abroad, I would be lying, but I can definitely say that it was one of the most treasured and cherished moments of my life. I don’t think putting this study abroad experience into words could truly capture the essence of the time I spent in England."
Allison Izui banner

Are you prepared to be uncomfortable? A candid reflection on studying abroad in Florence, Italy

Monday, February 12, 2024
"Broadening your horizons can sometimes be a cheap phrase, but an accurate one, nonetheless. Being abroad doesn’t mean entering a new world, it means that your idea of the world itself expands. That type of experience teaches you a lot about people and also yourself."
Lily Hart Banner

Roaming through Rome: A semester of cultural immersion and personal growth

Friday, February 9, 2024
"My time there was absolutely wonderful, and regardless of your background, I can assure you studying abroad will benefit your college experience. This semester taught me so much, both within the classroom and beyond it."
joseph seo banner

The power of connection: A multinational experience while in Norway

Monday, February 5, 2024
"Even though I spent most of my time connecting with Norwegian culture, perspective, and ideas, I’m privileged to say that I had the wonderful opportunity of connecting with cultures all around the world through my international peers."
sarah amro banner

How I learned to embrace the unknown and thrive in New Zealand

Thursday, January 25, 2024
"Studying abroad is not about comparing your journey to others, but rather reflecting on your own, unique discoveries including another culture and learning a bit more about yourself."