Hi to any prospective study abroad students! My name is Kayla Petry, and I am a senior majoring in marketing with a minor in Spanish and a certificate in event management. I am from Bettendorf, Iowa, and am a first-generation college student. Since high school, I always knew I wanted to study abroad. I loved my Spanish classes, and once I decided to minor in Spanish, I knew I wanted to go to a Spanish-speaking country.
This past spring, I had the amazing opportunity to study abroad in Barcelona, Spain. It was the best experience of my life, and I cannot recommend it enough to anyone considering studying abroad. I lived with a host family while I was in Barcelona and felt that I truly got to immerse myself in the culture. We lived in a neighborhood full of locals, and I got to practice my Spanish every day. My favorite part of the culture was how much everyone valued their free time and personal hobbies. Sometimes in the U.S., I think we tend to get caught up in our work or classes; while in Spain, there is less stress placed on your job title or grades and more on spending time with friends and getting time to do what you enjoy.
"If you are worried about the financial aspect, tons of scholarships are available, and some are as simple as writing a few hundred words. As a first-generation student who had never left the country before, I was worried about how I would navigate this chapter in my life, but once immersed in another culture, you will be so glad you stepped outside of your comfort zone."
Being abroad challenged me to grow as an individual in many ways. By the end of my first day, I had probably spoken more Spanish with a native speaker than I ever had before. At times, it was difficult to think and speak in another language when I was tired or didn’t know how to say something. It was difficult feeling that I didn’t have the same level of intelligence in Spanish as I do in English. However, all this difficulty immensely improved my language skills and confidence in being in uncomfortable situations.
For anyone considering studying abroad, I highly encourage you to research the different programs available and make an appointment with a UI Study Abroad advisor. They can help you choose which program is best for you, depending on what you want from the experience. Also, social media can be your best friend - watch YouTube videos or TikToks from students who have participated in those programs and hear their opinions. If you are worried about the financial aspect, tons of scholarships are available, and some are as simple as writing a few hundred words. As a first-generation student who had never left the country before, I was worried about how I would navigate this chapter in my life, but once immersed in another culture, you will be so glad you stepped outside of your comfort zone.
The Global Access Ambassador Scholarship program provides awards to study abroad for a summer, semester, or academic year. The scholarships are intended to support students who study abroad with the intent to serve as Global Access Ambassadors upon return to the UI campus. Upon completion of the study abroad program and return to UI, award recipients are asked to submit a photo and an open letter to prospective students or suggest an alternate means of sharing with prospective students.
Please note that the opinions and views expressed by ambassadors are solely those of the students and do not reflect or represent the views of International Programs or the University of Iowa.
International Programs (IP) at the University of Iowa (UI) is committed to enriching the global experience of UI students, faculty, staff, and the general public by leading efforts to promote internationally oriented teaching, research, creative work, and community engagement. IP provides support for international students and scholars, administers scholarships and assistance for students who study, intern, or do research abroad, and provides funding opportunities and grant-writing assistance for faculty engaged in international research. IP shares their stories through various media, and by hosting multiple public engagement activities each year.