The sky's the limit!

Scholarship and grant support is the most tangible expression of the UI’s commitment to increasing the number of students who study/conduct research abroad. Study Abroad expects to disburse more than $500,000 in scholarships/grants this year.

We encourage you to apply for any awards for which you are eligible! If you are completing scholarships with essay components, we highly encourage you to utilize the Writing Center to review your work prior to submission.

student on top of calton hill

Scholarships & Grants Administered by UI Study Abroad

Merit-based Scholarships

Merit-based study abroad scholarships are available for semester or academic year length programs. Only one application is needed!

The Leona Zaharis Scholarship

This award is available to first-generation college students OR students who are not first-generation college students but have graduated from an Iowa high school AND have federal eligibility for financial aid.

CAPS Study Abroad in Asia Scholarship

Scholarships for Study Abroad in East and Southeast Asia are available for undergraduate students through the Center for Asian and Pacific Studies (CAPS).

Need-based Scholarships

These scholarships support students who are eligible for financial assistance, evidenced on the UI Award Letter.

International Student Study Abroad Scholarship

This competitive, merit-based scholarship is available for use during summer and winter sessions.

Global Access Ambassador Scholarship

These scholarships are intended to support students who study abroad who then serve as Global Access Ambassadors upon return to the UI campus.

Dr. Ken Magid Scholarship

The Dr. Ken Magid Scholarship is designed for a University of Iowa undergraduate student who intends to pursue an academic internship while embracing the cultural nuances and complexities of life abroad.

Tips on how to fund your study abroad experience through scholarships

Hear how Hawkeye Maria Osman funded nearly her entire semester abroad with grants and scholarships.

Global Internship Funding

Jess Buman sitting in office


See Global Internship Scholarships

Program-Specific Awards

CEA Abroad Affiliate Scholarships

Students who study on UI-sponsored CEA Abroad study abroad programs in Prague, Czech Republic (summer or semester), or Florence, Italy will be eligible to receive an affiliate scholarship. Additional information will be available during the advising process. Learn more about CEA ABROAD affiliate scholarships. (Semester/Academic year/Summer/Winter/Short-term)

SIT Big 10 Alliance Scholarships

SIT offers the Big 10 Alliance Scholarship to students following the completion of an SIT scholarship application. In addition to this award, SIT offers a broad range of awards including a Pell Grant Match to students who receive a federal Pell Grant. Funding decisions are based on demonstrated financial need as determined by SIT Scholarship Committee's review of FAFSA and transferable aid. (Semester/Academic year/Summer/Short-term)

CIEE Study Abroad Scholarships

CIEE offers a number of scholarships based on various eligibility factors. Study Abroad Advisors will provide information during the advising process. (Semester/Academic year/Summer/Winter/Short-term)

SIT Targeted Honors Scholarship

The SIT Targeted Honors Scholarship is applicable to all School for International Training (SIT) approved programs. SIT programs offer topical, field-based coursework with research and independent study opportunities, allowing students to pursue their own interests. Learn more about SIT Targeted Honors Scholarship. (Semester/Academic year/Summer/Short-term)

IES Public University Grants

Students participating in an IES Abroad academic-credit, semester-length program through the University of Iowa are eligible to receive funding ranging from $1,000 to $7,000 through the IES Abroad Grant. (Semester/Academic year)

TEAN Affiliate Scholarships

TEAN UI-sponsored programs in South Korea, Australia, and New Zealand will be eligible to receive an affiliate scholarship. Additional information will be available during the advising process. Learn more about TEAN affiliate scholarships. (Semester/Academic year/Summer/Winter/Short-term)

IES Summer Internship Scholarships

IES Summer Internship Scholarships are available for students interning abroad on the IES summer programs. Learn more about IES summer internship scholarships. (Summer/Winter/Short-term)

USAC Scholarships

USAC funding opportunities are available for students participating in a USAC program. The scholarships are awarded based on a diverse spectrum of criteria, ranging from academic merit, program location, first-generation status, and military service. To apply,  Summer 2025 deadline Tuesday, February 25, 2025:; To apply, Fall 2025 deadline Thursday, April 24, 2025:

External Awards

Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship

The Gilman Scholarship Program is open to U.S. citizen undergraduate students who are receiving Federal Pell Grant funding to participate in study and intern abroad programs worldwide.

Freeman-Asia Award

Freeman-Asia offers scholarships to undergraduate U.S. citizens or permanent residents wishing to study in East Asia or Southeast Asia who have demonstrated financial need.

Overseas Ambassador Program

The Overseas Ambassador Program is an initiative created for current students or recent graduates who are planning to study, intern, volunteer or teach abroad. The Overseas Ambassadors will serve as an overseas correspondent, sharing their experiences to motivate other members of the community to go abroad.

Bridging Scholarships for Study in Japan

The Bridging Project offers scholarships to American undergraduate students participating in study-abroad programs in Japan.

Fund for Education Abroad Scholarship

Created in 2010 to expand access to study abroad, the Fund for Education Abroad scholarship seeks to diversify the pool of students who study abroad. Students who are eligible to receive academic credit for their study abroad program and are currently seeking an associate or bachelor's degree in the US are encouraged to apply. First-generation, minority, and community college students receive special consideration.

Summer 2025 application deadline: February 7, 2025, 12 Noon EST

Boren Scholarships for International Study Abroad

Boren Scholarships are available to U.S. undergraduate students to study abroad in areas of the world critical to U.S. interests and underrepresented in study abroad, including Africa, Asia, Central, and Eastern Europe, Eurasia, Latin America, and the Middle East.

German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) Scholarships

There are several scholarship opportunities available to students who wish to study abroad in Germany.

U.S.-UK Fulbright Commission Summer Institutes

The U.S.-UK Fulbright Commission offers special Summer Institutes for U.S. citizens to come to the UK. These summer programs provide the opportunity for U.S. undergraduates, with at least two years of undergraduate study left to complete, to come to the UK on a three, four, five or six-week academic and cultural summer program.

Critical Language Scholarship

The Critical Language Scholarship (CLS) Program is a fully-funded intensive overseas language and cultural immersion program for American students enrolled at U.S. colleges and universities, and is sponsored by the U.S. Department of State. 

Iowa City Noon Rotary Club International Scholarship

Eligibility for the Iowa City Noon Rotary Club International Scholarship is based on graduation from a Johnson County (Iowa) high school in addition to student status of sophomore, junior, or senior at the time of application.

Other UI Awards

Center for Translation and Global Literacy Student Travel Grant

The CTGL student travel grant is available for UI students to support travel associated with translation projects, translation-related research, or community engagement projects involving translation. While graduate students are eligible to apply, priority will be given to undergraduate students. While grants support travel overseas and in the U.S., priority will be given to international travel.

Summer Scholarships For Asian Language Study

Currently enrolled undergraduate and graduate students in Asian Languages & Literatures/Asian Civilizations are eligible to compete for summer scholarship aid for intensive language study provided by the Stanley-University of Iowa Support Organization.

Genevieve Davis Searle Scholarship

The Genevieve Davis Searle Scholarship is available to undergraduate Spanish majors studying abroad in a Spanish-speaking country. Scholarship amount: $10,000 for two consecutive semesters.

Journalism & Mass Communication Study Abroad Scholarship

Students who are currently enrolled in School of Journalism & Mass Communication can apply for Pulitzer Center Global Health Fellowship, SJMC Study Abroad Scholarship, Lauren A. Wretman Phelps Study Abroad Fund.

Student Impact Grant

The University of Iowa Office of the President and the University of Iowa Student Advancement Network (SAN) have partnered to create Student Impact Grants, which provide funding for a variety of undergraduate and graduate student activities outside of the classroom, such as research, travel, and service projects.

Funding for Graduate Students

Study Abroad funding is limited to undergraduate students.

Graduate and professional students seeking funding for field research or other activities should begin their search with Graduate College; your academic college or department; International Programs Grants Office which administers the Fulbright Grants, Stanley Fellowships and FLAS Fellowships, among other internal and external awards; Sponsored Programs, the main source on campus for information about external awards.

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