Monday, June 17, 2024

Nine University of Iowa (UI) undergraduate students are able to participate in internships abroad thanks to support from the Dr. Ken Magid Scholarship, a fund that was established in 2022 by the late Linda Baker (BA English ‘68) in memory of her former mentor, author and child behaviorist Dr. Kenneth Magid.

Global internship resources and opportunities have long existed in International Programs at Iowa to provide students a path to earn academic credit toward their degree while immersing themselves in a new culture, acquiring skills, attaining personal growth, and exploring possible career paths.

The Dr. Ken Magid Scholarship is designed for UI undergraduate students who intend to pursue an academic internship while embracing the cultural nuances and complexities of life abroad. The fund, originally created in 2005, began providing financial awards for credit-bearing experiential learning programs in fall 2022.

Meet the recipients:

Summer 2024

Audrey Wichmann

Audrey Wichmann is a third-year student majoring in public health on the pre-medicine track from Saint Louis, Missouri. Wilson is participating in the IES internships program in Rome, Italy.

"The Dr. Ken Magid Scholarship has provided me with support to pursue this dream, and I am grateful and fortunate to be able to embark on this once in a lifetime journey."

“I chose to do an internship abroad to be immersed in the Italian culture and gain first-hand experience, and I chose Rome because of the cultural history and significance and architecture. Interning abroad will provide me with skills and a holistic approach to take into my experiences in the future as a physician.”


Katie Nguyen is a fourth-year student double majoring in finance and business analytics & information from Urbandale, Iowa. Nguyen is participating in the IES internships program in Milan, Italy.


Lauren Wilson

Lauren Wilson is a fourth-year student majoring in art with a focus on graphic design from Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Wilson is participating in the IES internships program in Sydney, Australia.

"The Dr. Ken Magid Scholarship is an absolute privilege to me, as it is making my journey into a very meaningful life experience all the more possible. I’m honored to have earned this privilege, and I understand the significant role it has played in my life. During this internship abroad, I will do everything I can to make every penny spent on my journey worth the while. I will use all my skills to keep the image of the University of Iowa as bright as I can."

“I am currently interning abroad at a company called 'Like Family' through the IES Sydney program. While I am also taking a class, the internship experience is a bit different than the typical study abroad program because I’m getting hands-on experience in the prospective field that I would like to work in. Having been in Sydney for a few days, I can tell those reading this that the people are friendly, the food is plentiful, diverse, and extremely tasty! The public transportation is very efficient and user friendly, too. Now that the initial few days of the program have passed, I’m excited to use as many skills as I can harness to help the company that I’m interning with ramp up for their big event in July. The company helps combat isolation in their community by offering services to those who, for whatever reason, experience disabilities that render them unable to find their sense of community as easily. I’m excited to work for this company because what they stand for strongly aligns with some of my beliefs; that the term ‘normal' is a bit overrated in some contexts, that the sense of loneliness is ubiquitous and felt by many. Because it’s something many of us can understand, I’d like to explore how we can use that shared experience to help and understand those who find themselves particularly isolated. In doing some work for the company, I like to think that being so immersed in an emotionally seated mission might help me gain insight into other people, and consequently into myself, too.

I strongly believe that regardless of how it affects job prospects and academic prowess, this experience in Sydney is going to shape my work ethic, my competence, and my patience. I believe it already is. This experience has been new raw and new, as I have never been outside the country or worked in my field before. All of it has been a new world with much to dissect and absorb. While this is daunting at first, I know from past experiences that the most daunting moments can be the greatest teachers, which is exactly why I’m doing this internship abroad. I hope to bring back lots of learned lessons and sweet memories back to Iowa with me so I can dive into whatever jobs, homes, travels, and general experiences with greater resolution.”


Melanie Flores

Melanie Flores is a fourth-year student majoring in speech and hearing science from Carol Stream, Illinois. Flores is participating in the IES internships program in Santiago, Chile.

"I am very grateful for this scholarship because it has given me the opportunity to participate in this program that I never imagined would be possible for me. I am beyond happy with the support that I have received through this award, and I am determined to make the most out of this study abroad!"

“I chose this program because I want to learn more about other Latin American cultures. I am very excited to be in a Spanish-speaking country and helping teach English to young kids! I believe my study abroad experience will help prepare me for my future career as a speech pathologist because I aspire to work with the bilingual population in the Latino community and during this time, I will learn how to better meet their needs.”


Rita McCarthy

Rita McCarthy is a third-year student majoring in health studies on the pre-medicine track from Wilmette, Illinois. McCarthy is participating in the IES internships program in Dublin, Ireland.

"The Dr. Ken Magid Scholarship was essential for my ability to participate in this abroad program. The support I have received gives me the fiscal ability to enrich my knowledge, see U.S. healthcare from a new perspective, and get the hands-on experience I need to pursue my goals. It is an investment in my future as a healthcare provider for underserved children."

“This summer I’m interning in Dublin, Ireland, and I’ll be working at The Royal Hospital in their occupational therapy and physio department. I’m eager to get hands-on experience in medicine while being immersed in a new culture.

As a future healthcare provider, my goal is to focus on healthcare accessibility, particularly for the underrepresented. I aim to use my time abroad to learn how Ireland bridges gaps in healthcare and delivers access to essential services. I see myself coming away from this experience with a broader, more global perspective of healthcare systems. My exposure to diverse viewpoints and cultural nuances will give me a heightened sensitivity to the unique needs of individuals that will prepare me for my future career. This internship is a step towards to my passion of improving healthcare equity, especially for children, to improve lifelong health outcomes.”


Sebastian Smith

Sebastian Smith is a fourth-year student majoring in public health from Lee’s Summit, Missouri. Smith is participating in the IES internships program in Vienna, Austria.

"The Dr. Ken Magid Scholarship has greatly helped provide me with the opportunity to take on this unique study abroad opportunity. Making this amazing experience possible is something that I will always appreciate."

“I chose this program because it would allow me the opportunity to experience a work culture in a new environment. I also will be exposed to many new people and experiences that will help shape my future. Working for INiTS exposes me to a different work environment than I have been in the past.

I think this study aboard experience will make me a more well-rounded person. Taking on new challenges will better prepare for challenges in the classroom and the workplace in the future. Being able to practice my public health education in a working environment will benefit me going forward.”


Fall 2024

student smiling

Shahd Ibrahim is a fourth-year student majoring in public health with a minor in Arabic from Puyallup, Washington. Ibrahim will participate in the SIT Jordan Refugees, Health, and Humanitarian Action program in Amman, Jordan.

"The Dr. Ken Magid Scholarship is important to me because it helps me achieve my goal of doing an academic internship abroad while embracing the differences in culture and focusing on my studies. This opportunity aligns with my academic, personal, and professional goals, allowing me to learn valuable skills while also contributing to the greater good through service-oriented work. I am inspired by the values represented in this scholarship and am dedicated to taking advantage of this opportunity to contribute to communities both locally and globally."

“I have chosen this program because it will greatly benefit my academic career by offering a distinct global health viewpoint and insight into Jordan's healthcare system, legislation, and public health concerns. With 2.3 million refugees welcomed, Jordan's role in handling the Syrian, Palestinian, and Iraqi refugee crisis is significant. I’ll examine major refugee issues like identity, integration, cultural change, and political impact while studying in this regional humanitarian hub. I am excited to reach out to NGOs, relief centers that incorporate my language learning while expanding my knowledge of public health in the Middle East. This will enhance my ability to navigate and address health challenges within different cultural settings, which is a vital skill for public health professionals working in diverse communities.

I believe this experience will impact my future because it would benefit me in my professional and academic career because it allows me to foster a better global perspective. Since public health is an interconnected field, it's important to understand different global health dynamics. Since Jordan is one of the world's largest hubs for international public health, my experience there will enhance my ability to navigate and address health challenges within different cultural settings which is a vital skill for public health professionals working in diverse communities.”


Ekhlas Khalil

Ekhlas Khalil is a fourth-year student majoring in public health with a minor in social justice from Iowa City, Iowa. Khalil is participating in the SIT Morocco Human Rights, Social Justice & Cultural Transformation Internship program in Rabat, Morocco.

"Receiving the Dr. Ken Magid Scholarship means I get the opportunity to explore communities outside of my own. It means gaining a once in a lifetime experience that I otherwise would not have as a first-generation immigrant. This scholarship has opened doors for me, created a new opportunity, and has made me a better student and future individual personally and professionally."

“I chose this program because I am eager to engage in culturally rich and diverse communities and experience a new perspective of public health on a global scale. I believe that studying abroad will impact my future in allowing me to gain a better understanding of global public health in a social justice context while understanding the importance of diverse environments and how they interact regionally and internationally."


Zachary Oliver

Zachary Oliver is a fourth-year student majoring in global health studies with a minor in international studies from Wilmette, Illinois. Oliver is participating in the IES London Health Practice and Policy Internship program in London, United Kingdom.

“The Dr. Ken Magid Scholarship is an important part of allowing me to be able to study abroad. I chose the IES London Health Practice and Policy Internship program as it will allow me to ingrain myself in a different culture and I am excited to learn more about United Kingdom culture. Hopefully, my study abroad experience will allow me to gain a more global perspective. Additionally, I am excited to learn from different people's experiences and perspectives.”


To help more University of Iowa students go abroad, make a gift today!

International Programs (IP) at the University of Iowa (UI) is committed to enriching the global experience of UI students, faculty, staff, and the general public by leading efforts to promote internationally oriented teaching, research, creative work, and community engagement.  IP provides support for international students and scholars, administers scholarships and assistance for students who study, intern, or do research abroad, and provides funding opportunities and grant-writing assistance for faculty engaged in international research. IP shares their stories through various media, and by hosting multiple public engagement activities each year.