The 6th annual Charles A. Hale Lecture will be held this Thursday, Oct. 29, from 3:30 - 5:00 p.m. in 1117 UCC for the lecture "Linked In, Left Out, Uplifted, Downloaded: The ecology of language in a globalizing world."
The Hale lecture honors the memory of Professor Charles A. Hale (1930 - 2008), a specialist in Latin American liberalism and intellectual history. He was a distinguished scholar and faculty member at the University of Iowa from 1966 to 1997.
Mary Louise Pratt, former president of the Modern Language Association, is the Silver Profession (2002 - 2015) and Professor Emerita of Social and Cultural Analysis, Comparative Literature, and Spanish and Portuguese at New York University.
Her scholarly expertise ranges from Latin American literature and Latin American studies, to comparative literature, linguistics, postcolonial studies, feminist and gender studies, anthropology and cultural studies.
Her most influential works include the books Towards a Speech Act Theory of Literary Discourse (1977) and Imperial Eyes: Travel Writing and Transculturation (1992; 2007), and the articles, "Arts of the Contact Zone" (1991), "Los imaginarios planetarios" (2005) and "Harm's Way: Languages and the Contemporary Arts of War" (2009).
This event is sponsored by the Perry A. and Helen J. Bond Fund for Interdisciplinary Interaction; Latin American Studies Program; International Programs; Obermann Center for Advanced Studies; Division of World Languages, Literatures & Cultures; Department of Spanish and Portuguese; Department of History; Department of English; Department of Cinematic Arts; and Department of Communication Studies.
Individuals with disabilities are encouraged to attend all University of Iowa-sponsored events. If you are a person with a disability who requires a reasonable accommodation in order to participate in this program, please contact Joy Hayes in advance at joy-hayes@uiowa.edu, or (309) 235-4217.