in the news
Cultural Incompetency: Racist Yik Yak posts target Asian students on UI campus
Monday, October 26, 2015
Masked by pseudonyms and anonymity, social media is often viewed as an attractive way to express one’s feelings candidly. But the same technology that allows users to share ideas and constructively engage with others too often devolves into a toxic, often hurtful environment. As social apps like Yik Yak, which allow users to anonymously share their opinions about anything and everything with those nearby, continue to gain popularity at the University of Iowa, many Asian-identifying students have found themselves the subject of racist and xenophobic messages.
Culture Clash in Iowa
Thursday, September 17, 2015
From the intimate to the ordinary, life in this Midwestern college town is changing. The iconic Hamburg Inn, the diner where presidential candidates have stumped for decades, still dishes up its famous "pie shakes." But take a closer look: Bubble tea shops outnumber Starbucks 3 to 1, and nearly 1 in 10 students at the University of Iowa hails from China.
Academic adventure in Cuba
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
Cuba conjures images of colonial architecture, salsa dancing, old cars, cigars, rich culture, and the legacy of Fidel Castro, just to name of few. But none of these were what most drew University of Iowa student Nadia Doubiany to the island nation. Doubiany craved an academic adventure.
Harreld Announced as New UI President
Thursday, September 3, 2015
Bruce Harreld, a former Harvard Business School faculty member and corporate executive who helped save a foundering IBM in the 1990s, will become the 21st president of the University of Iowa. The Board of Regents, State of Iowa, announced Harreld, 64, as its unanimous selection Sept. 3 to replace Sally Mason, who retired Aug. 1 after serving eight years as president. Harreld will take office Nov. 2.
Beyond the Sousse, Tunisia, attacks: economic development, fair trade, and terrorism
Tuesday, August 11, 2015
The intent of those who planned and carried out the recent terrorist attack in Tunisia and the reactions to it, both underscore the idiosyncratic connections between economic development and terrorism.
University of Iowa always assessing study abroad safety
Monday, August 3, 2015
'It’s not too uncommon for University of Iowa students who are studying abroad to leave temporarily or take a break due to an illness, injury or family emergency. But rarely do students cut short their experience and not return to their program in some capacity, according to UI International Programs.