Gandhi at 150 on April 16 WorldCanvass
Tuesday, March 23, 2021
Mahatma Gandhi was one of the most original, impactful, and complex figures of the 20th century. Revered around the world for his activism, self-sacrifice, and nonviolent methods of confronting a repressive colonial power, Gandhi remains a much-admired figure today. Gandhi may be best known in America for the influence his teachings on nonviolence had on leaders of the civil rights movement. But the story of the man and his legacy is layered and not without its contradictions. Our guests on the April 16 WorldCanvass will reflect on Gandhi at 150. This event will foreshadow the Provost’s Global Forum planned for November 2021 on “The Legacy of Mahatma Gandhi at 150: Nonviolence, Race, and Politics.” Join us for this virtual WorldCanvass on April 16 from 5:30-7 p.m. Free and open to all, the program will be aired on Zoom and on Facebook Live.