international students
Graduate student heartened by biomedical engineering community’s response to coronavirus pandemic
Monday, April 27, 2020
Nearing completion of his PhD in biomedical engineering, Srivats reflected on the collaboration between UI Hospitals & Clinics and the UI College of Engineering, saying, “Lucky for me, both my masters project and my PhD dissertation have stemmed from collaboration with surgeons and doctors at the hospital. Really, Iowa is an amazing place for biomedical engineers because there is so much data available to researchers as well as access to doctors...” That collaboration between UI Hospitals & Clinics and the College of Engineering became even more evident shortly after the World Health Organization declared the coronavirus outbreak a pandemic.
In the news: From China to Iowa, a helping hand for PPE
Tuesday, April 21, 2020
When parents of Chinese students studying at the University of Iowa heard about shortages in the United States of personal protective equipment needed during the coronavirus pandemic, they immediately wanted to do something to help, even from some 7,000 miles away.
ISSS to host virtual Q&A session addressing immigration and remote learning
Tuesday, April 14, 2020
Join the staff of International Student and Scholar Services for a virtual Q&A session addressing "Immigration and Remote Learning," on Friday, April 17, at 2:30 p.m.
Sidelined by the coronavirus pandemic for now, Stewart Knights, international exchange student from England, vows to return to the University of Iowa for a proper farewell
Wednesday, April 8, 2020
“I do grieve for the experience,” says Knights. “It’s the little things – walking into Catlett Hall and seeing someone you know, spending time with friends, the campus environment…I miss the atmosphere of the whole place.”
Hanxi Tang, international student from China, on the transition to online learning
Friday, April 3, 2020
In an effort to mitigate the transmission of COVID-19, the University of Iowa transitioned to online teaching for the rest of the Spring 2020 semester. As a result, all UI students shifted to virtual instruction on March 30. We checked in with Hanxi Tang, international student from Beijing, China, about her transition to online courses.
Hanxi Tang, international student from China, contributes to UI efforts to slow the spread of coronavirus
Friday, April 3, 2020
As an aspiring physician, Tang is inspired by what she sees at UI Hospitals & Clinics—particularly during this unprecedented pandemic. “I see healthcare professionals that work hard and long shifts and yet always display a positive attitude. Compared to what other healthcare professionals are doing around the world at this time, what I am doing is really little, but I am happy to make a small contribution to the global effort to prevent the spread of the virus.”
A Hawkeye in Wuhan
Tuesday, March 3, 2020
Since the COVID-19 lockdown in Wuhan, China, Can Zhang (BBA economics ’14, BBA management ’14), the owner of a local driver training business that he took over from his family in late 2017, has been conducting online meetings with his management team on a regular basis. During a recent online meeting, he decided the company would benefit from implementing a conservative strategy to reduce costs and build a cash surplus in 2020. “The COVID-19 outbreak is really hurting small and medium-sized enterprises. During this crisis, some companies went bankrupt because they didn’t have enough cash flow. My company is facing a similar problem. I am not going to start any new projects or make any aggressive investments this year. The impact of COVID-19 is likely to be repercussive, and a long-term conservative strategy might be needed for my business,” Zhang said.
In the news: New Burma/Myanmar student organization hopes to provide a community to students
Monday, February 24, 2020
Three Burmese students began gathering with friends to form a community of peers from the same country. Now, they have formed an official student organization hoping to educate people about their culture.
International students to share their stories at Life in Iowa event, Mar. 26
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Four international students share their personal experiences about choosing to study at the University of Iowa.
Coronavirus: Perceptions and Precautions on Feb. 21 WorldCanvass
Monday, February 10, 2020
Concerns about the present and future danger of the 2019 novel coronavirus will be addressed by an expert panel on a special WorldCanvass called "Coronavirus: Perceptions and Precautions" to be held from 5:30-6:30 p.m., February 21, in 1117 University Capitol Centre (UCC). The event is free and open to the public.
Iowa Caucus information event for UI international students
Thursday, January 30, 2020
For many international students on campus, the concept of caucusing as part of an election process is new. To help UI international students and scholars understand the Iowa caucus, International Student and Scholar Services (ISSS) hosted an event called Iowa Caucus on January 24. The event featured visiting professor David Redlawsk, political psychologist, and author of the book Why Iowa?: How Caucuses and Sequential Elections Improve the Presidential Nominating Process.
Life in Iowa to host Iowa caucus info session, Jan. 22
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Learn how the Iowa caucuses work, their role in the process of electing the next president of the United States, and how domestic and international students can participate.