
Virtual Homecoming Spotlight: Darren Grafius

Friday, November 20, 2015
Darren Grafius graduated from the University of Iowa in 2011 with a PhD in geography. Since graduating, he has moved to the United Kingdom, where he is proud to have gotten married and bought a house with his husband. Darren is currently employed as a post-doctoral research fellow at Cranfield University, where he works on a government-funded consortium project studying ecosystem services and biodiversity in urban environments.

Virtual Homecoming Spotlight: Zubaidah Dahlui

Friday, November 20, 2015
Zubaidah Dahlui hails from Bangi, Malaysia, which is a small town approximately twenty-five miles south of Kuala Lumpur. She graduated from the University of Iowa in 1987 with a Bachelor of Business Administration in Economics.

Virtual Homecoming Spotlight: John Mark Velasco

Thursday, November 19, 2015
John Mark Velasco, from Manila, Philippines, earned his Bachelor of Science in biology, Masters of Public Health, and Doctor of Medicine degrees from the University of the Philippines, and completed a certificate in emerging infectious disease epidemiology from the University Of Iowa College Of Public Health in 2010. He went on to earn his post-graduate diploma and Masters of Science in clinical trials from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine in 2011 and 2013, respectively.

Virtual Homecoming Spotlight: Mingqian Liu

Tuesday, November 17, 2015
Mingqian Liu, originally from Beijing, China, graduated from the University of Iowa in 2011 with a degree in international studies and art history. Mingqian went on to earn a PhD in history from Texas A&M University with a concentration in historic preservation and museum studies before returning to Beijing. She now works at Beijing’s prestigious Tsinghua University as a public education fellow, developing art education programs for people of all ages.

Virtual Homecoming Spotlight: Zi Wang

Tuesday, November 17, 2015
Zi Wang, originally from Chengdu, China, graduated from the University of Iowa in 2013 with a degree in leisure studies. After graduation, she returned to Chengdu, where she founded Cher Maternal Care, an agency that provides in-home nanny service to families.

Virtual Homecoming Spotlight: Xiangyu Wang

Monday, November 16, 2015
Xiangyu Wang came to the University of Iowa from Bengbu, China, and graduated in 2014 with a degree in mathematics. She currently works as an actuarial research analyst for Country Financial in Bloomington, Illinois, building home and auto pricing models.

Student Funding Alumni Spotlight: Patrick Reed

Friday, October 23, 2015
Patrick Reed graduated with a Master in Fine Arts in papermaking and bookbinding from the UI Center for the Book in 2013. He received a Fulbright grant in 2014 to the Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society at Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich, Germany, for his project “Apocalyptic Themes of Natural Disaster in 16th and 21st Century Woodcut Prints.” He is currently back in Germany continuing his research through a DAAD Study Scholarship and Research Grant. International Programs interviewed Patrick to get his insights on living abroad, and how the experience affected his research.

Pokemon - A Universal Language

Thursday, September 3, 2015
I had the plane ticket. The suitcase filled with Dr. Seuss and Shel Silverstein storybooks. I was ready to teach English in France.

UI grad and husband begin Peace Corps service in Fiji

Friday, August 28, 2015
University of Iowa alumna Laura Semprini, 27, of Iowa City, IA and her husband Jason Semprini, 28, of Cedar Rapids, IA have been accepted into the Peace Corps and will depart for Fiji Aug. 31 to begin training as a youth development volunteers. The Semprinis will live and work at the community level to promote and develop healthy lifestyles and environmental awareness in conjunction with the Ministry of Education and Ministry of Youth and Sport.