Ben Partridge

Senior Designer
Communications & Relations

Ben Partridge is a Senior Designer for International Programs with a background in marketing and community engagement. His work focuses on social media, graphic design, photography, and writing as a means to help promote department programming and celebrate student and faculty success stories.  

Authored by Ben Partridge

Commitment to Internationalization Lecture Series to look at the rise of nationalism, Nov. 17

Tuesday, October 11, 2022
Bernie Burrola, vice president of International, Community, and Economic Engagement at the APLU, will explore how we got here and why the world needs greater engagement/integration and not less.

Study Abroad to host info sessions on faculty-led program to Greece, Oct. 12, 20 & 28

Thursday, October 6, 2022
Meet City of Athens faculty leader Dr. Deb Trusty and program returnees to learn more about the itinerary, academics, cost, and application process. Bring your questions!

Study abroad to host info sessions on faculty-led program on sustainable chemistry, Oct. 27 & Nov. 9

Wednesday, October 5, 2022
Learn about an amazing opportunity to travel to Germany, Switzerland, and France with UI faculty leaders Adam Brummett and Stratis Giannakouros.
Image of Benjamin Partridge
Contact Information

1111-14 University Capitol Centre
Iowa City, IA 52242
United States