Studying abroad is something that I never saw myself doing because of the high costs and social barriers preventing me from doing so. This was until I started looking and found a program that really interested me. I decided to dive into the idea of studying abroad and found that there were many scholarships and options to help with funding and support throughout the experience. I highly recommend anyone questioning whether they want to study abroad or not to find a program that interests them and go through with it.
Before the experience, I prepared questions for myself of what I wanted to learn from my time studying abroad. This was very helpful for me because it gave me a direction to focus on and made me think more deeply about the experience. These questions also evolved throughout my time in Zurich, Switzerland; Basel, Switzerland; Freiburg, Germany; and Strasbourg, France, because I had no idea what to expect before traveling. I also found it helpful to journal my experiences at the end of each day because it made me reflect on everything I learned and put it into sentences that I could look back on later.
I did not know anyone in Switzerland, Germany, or France before I studied abroad, and had only met my fellow classmates twice before the course began. Because of this, I had to get out of my comfort zone during the course and this led to many wonderful experiences I wouldn’t have had if I was on my own. These experiences taught me the importance of making new friends and meeting new people to make the most out of an experience.
My study abroad course took me along the Rhine River Valley through the cities of Zurich, Freiburg, and Strasbourg. The first thing I noticed was that each of these cities had much older and different architecture than what I am used to in the United States, and this led to vastly different city layouts and styles. Each country had its own unique style of architecture and art, and it was cool to compare them throughout the course. The languages also varied depending on the areas you were in although the major language in Zurich, Basel, and Freiburg were all German while they spoke French in Strasbourg. It was interesting to travel between the countries because they are geographically near each other and share a close history while still having different cultures and governments.
"Studying abroad is something that I never saw myself doing because of the high costs and social barriers preventing me from doing so. This was until I started looking and found a program that really interested me. I decided to dive into the idea of studying abroad and found that there were many scholarships and options to help with funding and support throughout the experience."
Another major thing I noticed was the amount of public transportation as well as room for bikes and walking in all the major areas. I could always walk to wherever I needed to go throughout my time there although the train or tram often saved time when traveling further distances. There was also a greater emphasis on solar panels and maximizing usage of space to be more effective. Despite many of these things, there were not many evident differences between these three countries and the United States. Most of the differences I noticed were subtle and took time to notice.

One of my favorite things during my time abroad was walking around the cities and surrounding trails. It was cool to see all the shops and buildings downtown as well as the nature around the cities on walking trails. A lot of people spent the evening out walking and it was evident to see why because the area was beautiful with plenty of walking paths. This was also a perfect time to get into new sights of the cities as well as reflect on what I’ve done so far.
As I progressed throughout my study abroad experience, I realized that it is important to maintain your own unique identity while respecting local culture rather than trying to fit in with the local population. I realized that it was almost impossible to not stand out as a tourist while I was there, and that the best thing I could do was experience this new culture while sharing some of my own in the progress. I was reminded about how our differences are what make us unique and that sharing cultures and ideas can lead to greater benefits for all participants. This has translated into my life after studying abroad because I feel more comfortable with myself and my own unique identities as an American.
Overall, I am so glad I decided to get out of my comfort zone and study abroad. Experiencing a new culture and location was awesome and has taught me valuable life lessons that I have used since my return. There were challenges along the way, but they allowed me to grow as a person and experience life in a way that I had never dreamed of before.
The Global Access Ambassador Scholarship (formerly Diversity Ambassador) program provides awards to study abroad for a summer, semester, or academic year. The scholarships are intended to support students who study abroad with the intent to serve as Global Access Ambassadors upon return to the UI campus. Upon completion of the study abroad program and return to UI, award recipients are asked to submit a photo and an open letter to prospective students or suggest an alternate means of sharing with prospective students.
Please note that the opinions and views expressed by ambassadors are solely those of the students and do not reflect or represent the views of International Programs or the University of Iowa.