When I arrived in Spain, it was like nothing I had experienced before. I thought I had an idea of what I was getting myself into, but I was quickly proven wrong. Never did I think this trip was going to be filled with surprises and memories that will be told and remembered for years to come. I entered thinking that Europe in general was not going to be much different than the United States, but the lifestyle and life structure, specifically in Spain, was quite different, yet enticing. I found myself falling in love with the lifestyle and the daily activities that are typically done by Spaniards. I loved all the beautiful landmarks that we visited to further explore their culture and history.
I loved how immersive this experience was to learn more about Spain’s art and history because it showed me a lot about the roots of that country and the ones surrounding Spain. At the same time, I found myself falling in love with this lifestyle, but I felt disconnected from my identity and culture. Even though I experienced such amazing landmarks and art in Spain, I learned that there is little representation when it comes to the Mexican community and my interests which surround human rights. There is no doubt that this country changed my perspective on many personal levels but when it comes to my cultural identity, I do not like to dismiss my culture. I am proud of my culture and going to a country where that was not represented was a bit challenging for me. I overcame this challenge by trying to focus my attention on exploring the limits of my language use and I loved how much I spoke Spanish because I do not do that much in Iowa. Spain, being a Spanish-speaking country, tested my Spanish-speaking abilities in a natural environment. While my cultural identity was not highlighted on this trip, I learned how my language use had no limits because of my ability to navigate myself in a country across the world that uses a completely different language. This trip reinforced my personal values and identities while also teaching me how to gain perspective on different lifestyles and customs.
Lizbeth Celaya (psychology major), a Diversity Ambassador Scholarship recipient (now the Global Access Ambassador Scholarship), participated in Cultures of Spain in summer 2023.
The Global Access Ambassador Scholarship (formerly Diversity Ambassador) program provides awards to study abroad for a summer, semester, or academic year. The scholarships are intended to support students who study abroad with the intent to serve as Global Access Ambassadors upon return to the UI campus. Upon completion of the study abroad program and return to UI, award recipients are asked to submit a photo and an open letter to prospective students or suggest an alternate means of sharing with prospective students.
Please note that the opinions and views expressed by ambassadors are solely those of the students and do not reflect or represent the views of International Programs or the University of Iowa.
International Programs (IP) at the University of Iowa (UI) is committed to enriching the global experience of UI students, faculty, staff, and the general public by leading efforts to promote internationally oriented teaching, research, creative work, and community engagement. IP provides support for international students and scholars, administers scholarships and assistance for students who study, intern, or do research abroad, and provides funding opportunities and grant-writing assistance for faculty engaged in international research. IP shares their stories through various media, and by hosting multiple public engagement activities each year.