Why School? International Perspectives on Education and Social Transformation with child reading in the background

Provost's Global Forum 2019

April 11 - 13

What is the purpose of schooling in society? What are the relationships among educational reform, globalization, and social change across local, national, and international scales? Every society can be characterized by norms, values, and assumptions that serve as core concepts that influence individuals and institutions in ways both obvious and subtle. Schools and educational systems provide a rich and telling view of the core concepts that affect society because they are both products of society and a process for effecting changes in society.

This Provost's Global Forum event addresses these questions and issues through a variety of events. The Forum will kick off with a WorldCanvass program and will also include the 2019 Joel Barkan Memorial Lecture.

The twin goals of the forum are a) to facilitate conversations among researchers and interested persons working on various dimensions of this issue at diverse global locations, and b) to increase awareness about this global problem on the UI campus and in the broader community across the Midwest.

The forum is made possible through the generous support of the Stanley-UI Foundation Support Organization.

Forum Organizers

Event Organizers
Gavin Fulmer
David Bills
Gregory Hamot
Lia Plakans
Amanda Thein 

Media and Public Relations
Joan Kjaer, WorldCanvass
Amy Brewster
Ben Partridge 

Events and Project Specialist
Sarolta Petersen


Sarolta Petersen
Events and Project Specialist
International Programs


The Provost’s Global Forum is the premier annual event on campus focused on international and global issues. In addition to serving the University of Iowa community broadly, the forum endeavors to build connections between the university and the state of Iowa, and positions the UI as a national node in discussions of global affairs.