
European Studies group to host French poetry reading, April 8

Thursday, March 31, 2016
The European Studies Group and the French and Italian Forum will co-host an upcoming talk, "Le Soleil Couchant by Théophile Gautier (1830): An Introduction to Reading French Poetry." Featuring guest speaker Geoffrey Hope, a professor of French at the UI, a reading and discussion will take place on the poetry of Théophile Gautier, in honor of the retirement of Professor Wendelin Guentner.

First Fulbright Lunch and Learn to discuss Folsom's Fulbright in Germany Oct. 8

Friday, October 2, 2015
Please join the Iowa Chapter of the Fulbright Association and UI International Programs for the kick-off to this year’s Fulbright Lunch & Learn Seminar Series on Thursday, October 8, 2015, from 12:30 – 1:20 p.m. in 1117, University Capitol Centre (Old Capitol Mall).

Writing Iowa in Kazakhstan

Monday, September 21, 2015
Harry Leeds had expected students to be shy about writing poetry in English, the way any student might be nervous about writing and sharing personal work in a second language. When it came to the 20 Kazakh students in his poetry workshop, however, he was wrong: “Some people didn’t want to share with the group,” Leeds says, “but everyone wrote.”

UI alumna awarded Fulbright for creative writing to New Zealand

Tuesday, May 12, 2015
Clare Jones, of New Orleans, LA, has received a 2015-16 Fulbright U.S. Student Grant in Creative Writing to New Zealand and Polynesia where she will research and write a book of poetry titled “Neotype” that weaves together themes of botany, ornithology, and geology of the area.