Multicultural Showcase, 2024 #17

Multicultural Showcase attracts hundreds to celebrate culture, community, and global exchange

Monday, November 18, 2024
The 2024 Multicultural Showcase at the University of Iowa brought over 375 students, faculty, staff, and community members together to celebrate different cultures for International Education Week. The event featured vibrant performances, ethnic foods, and interactive activities led by student organizations and campus departments.
dancers in green dresses with yellow flowers in their hair

Multicultural Showcase attracts hundreds to celebrate culture, community, and global exchange

Friday, November 10, 2023
The Multicultural Showcase took place on Friday, November 3 as part of the University of Iowa’s annual celebration of International Education Week. Around 300 UI students, faculty, staff, and community members attended.
Multicultural Showcase performing students on stage

Multicultural Showcase highlight of University of Iowa celebration of international education in November

Wednesday, October 11, 2023
All are welcome to attend the UI 2023 Multicultural Showcase on Friday, November 3, 2023, at 7 p.m. (CDT) in the International Ballroom (2nd floor, Iowa Memorial Union). The Multicultural Showcase is part of Iowa's annual celebration of International Education Week (November 13-17).

OASIS celebrates world cultures at Bridging Fiesta April 16

Monday, April 11, 2016
Join the Organization for the Active Support of International Students (OASIS) in celebrating their annual cross cultural event, Bridging Fiesta 2016, "Under the Sea." This year's aquatic themed event will be an affair to remember, including live bands, dance performances, food catered by Formosa and OASIS, photo booths, raffle prizes, multicultural activities, and more!