Orientation week in Seoul
Tuesday, September 11, 2018
My name is Taylor Wertheim. I am a senior at the University of Iowa majoring in Italian, International Studies: East Track, and minoring in Korean. This year I decided to take a big leap outside of my comfort zone and study abroad in Seoul, South Korea.
UI's King Sejong Institute to host Korean music series
Friday, May 13, 2016
University of Iowa's King Sejong Institute invites you to attend an upcoming music series intended to serve as an introduction to traditional Korean music. Featuring visiting scholar Eunjin Cho, a senior student at the Korea National University of Arts, classes will take place every Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday evening, starting Wednesday, June 1, 2016 through Friday, July 29, 2016 in room 200 CC (Communications Center 116 Madison St.).
Foreign dignitaries help christen unique bridge near Fairbank
Friday, November 13, 2015
A remote stretch of gravel road over a no-name creek attracted international guests Tuesday to rural Buchanan County. Engineers representing the University of Iowa and Iowa State University, local dignitaries and politicians also showed up. The lure was a ribbon-cutting ceremony for a special bridge in the 1100 block of Deacon Avenue, the first span in the United States utilizing Korean ultra-high performance concrete.