Study Abroad Peer Mentors are a group of undergraduate student volunteers that have studied abroad during their time at the University of Iowa. All peer mentors have unique skills and experiences that you, as a prospective study abroad student, can draw upon.
Feel free to contact them through their preferred communication channels below.
Please note that while peer mentors can provide information on their experiences, they may not be able to answer all your questions. You can always reach out to for additional information.
Have you already studied abroad? If you'd like to be a peer mentor, apply here!

Chealsa Andersen
Studied on: TEAN Australia: Bond University
Lived in: Residence hall/dormitory
Scholarships and grants received: Need-based Grant
Happy to answer questions on:
Applying for study abroad scholarships, planning independent travel, navigating cultural differences, making new friends, using public transportation
How to contact Chealsa:
Instagram: Cheal_saandersen

Maddy Barreda
Studied on: the IES Barcelona program in Spain
Lived in: residence hall/dormitory
Scholarships and grants received: Merit-based Scholarship, Need-based Grant
Happy to answer questions on:
budgeting while abroad, planning independent travel, navigating cultural differences, making new friends, using public transportation
How to contact Maddy:

Ellie Crock
Studied on: USAC San Sebastian Program; CIEE Buenos Aires Liberal Arts Program
Lived in: Homestay
Scholarships and grants received: Global Access Ambassador Scholarship (previously Diversity Ambassador Scholarship), Need-based Grant, Gilman Scholarship
Happy to answer questions on:
Applying for study abroad scholarships, budgeting while abroad, planning independent travel, living with a host family, navigating cultural differences, understanding personal identity abroad, making new friends, using public transportation, building foreign language proficiency
How to contact Ellie:

Kate Burns
Studied on: IES London: Study London in the United Kingdom
Lived in: apartment
Scholarships and grants received: Global Access Ambassador Scholarship, Merit-based Scholarships
Happy to answer questions on:
applying for study abroad scholarships, budgeting while abroad, planning independent travel, understanding personal identity abroad, making new friends, using public transportation
How to contact Kate:
Instagram: _katemburns5_

Sophia Caronis
Studied on: IES London: Study London in the United Kingdom
Lived in: residence hall/dormitory
Happy to answer questions on:
planning independent travel, understanding personal identity abroad, making new friends, using public transportation
How to contact Sophia:
Instagram: sophia.caronis

Berkley Barnett
Studied on: CIEE Kyoto Summer Ancient & Modern Japan; SIT Jordan Refugees, Health, and Humanitarian Action
Lived in: Apartment, Homestay
Scholarship and grants received: Global Access Ambassador Scholarship (previously Diversity Ambassador Scholarship), Merit-based Scholarship
Happy to answer questions on:
Applying for study abroad scholarships, living with a host family, navigating cultural differences, building foreign language proficiency
How to contact Berkley:

Koro Castillo
Studied on: CIEE Sevilla Advanced Liberal Arts; USAC San Sebastián
Lived in: Homestay
Scholarship and grants received: Merit-based Scholarship
Happy to answer questions on:
applying for study abroad scholarships, planning independent travel, living with a host family, understanding personal identity abroad, making new friends, using public transportation, building foreign language proficiency
How to contact Koro:
Instagram: korocastillo

Nora Engstrom
Studied on: Lancaster University Exchange in the United Kingdom
Lived in: a residence hall
Happy to answer questions about:
budgeting while abroad, planning independent travel, navigating cultural differences, understanding personal identity abroad, making new friends, using public transportation
How to contact Nora:
Instagram: @noraeggstrom

Richelle Fenteng
Studied on: Wells College in Florence: Lorenzo de Medici in Italy
Lived in: apartment
Scholarships and grants received: Merit-based Scholarship, Need-based Grant, A. Morse Scholarship
Happy to answer questions on:
applying for study abroad scholarships, budgeting while abroad, navigating cultural differences, understanding personal identity abroad, making new friends, building foreign language proficiency
How to contact Richelle:
Instagram: rome.ing_richelle

Maisey Gullickson
Studied on: Iowa Regents in Ireland: University College Cork
Lived in: apartment
Scholarships and grants received: Need-based grant
Happy to answer questions on:
planning independent travel, navigating cultural differences, understanding personal identity abroad, making new friends, using public transportation
How to contact Maisey:
Instagram: _mgullickson_

Samantha Hitlan
Studied on: USAC Montevideo in Uruguay
Lived in: apartment
Scholarships and grants: Merit-based Scholarship, Need-based Grant
Happy to answer questions on:
applying for study abroad scholarships, budgeting while abroad, planning independent travel, navigating cultural differences, understanding personal identity abroad, making new friends, using public transportation, building foreign language proficiency
How to contact Samantha:
Instagram: Samantha.hitlan

Gabriela Konopka
Studied on: Wells College Florence: Lorenzo de Medici in Italy
Lived in: an apartment
Scholarships and grants received: Merit-based Scholarship
Happy to answer questions about:
applying for study abroad scholarships, budgeting while abroad, planning independent travel, navigating cultural differences, understanding personal identity abroad, making new friends, using public transportation
How to contact Gabriela:

Nikhil Krishnan
Studied on: CIEE Madrid Open Campus in Spain
Lived in: residence hall/dormitory
Happy to answer questions on:
planning independent travel, navigating cultural differences, understanding personal identity abroad, using public transportation
How to contact Nikhil:
Instagram: nikhil_k0921

Anna Larson
Studied on: USAC Valencia in Spain
Lived in: an apartment
Scholarships and grants received: Merit-based Scholarship
Happy to answer questions on:
applying for study abroad scholarships, budgeting while abroad, planning independent travel, navigating cultural differences, making new friends, using public transportation
How to contact Anna:

Elizabeth Lindeen
Studied on: American College of Thessaloniki program
Lived in: residency hall/dormitory
Happy to answer questions on:
budgeting while abroad, planning independent travel, navigating cultural differences, understanding personal identity abroad, making new friends
How to contact Elizabeth:
Instagram: elizabeth.lindeen

Sofia Maestas
Interned for: MG Motors in Syndey, Australia
Lived in: apartment, homestay
Happy to answer questions on:
budgeting while abroad, planning independent travel, navigating cultural differences, understanding personal identity abroad, using public transportation, internships abroad
How to contact Sofia:
Instagram: sofiaamaestas

Molly McNeill
Studied on: CIEE Seville Liberal Arts Program in Spain
Lived in: homestay
Scholarships and grants received: Need-based Grant, Gilman Scholarship
Happy to answer questions on:
applying for study abroad scholarships, budgeting while abroad, planning independent travel, living with a host family, navigating cultural differences, understanding personal identity abroad, making new friends, using public transportation, building foreign language proficiency, handling the first few weeks of being in your host country
How to contact Molly:
Instagram: mollyemcneill

Jack McIntyre
Studied on: TEAN New Zealand: University of Otago
Lived in: an apartment
Happy to answer questions on:
budgeting while abroad, planning independent travel, making new friends
How to contact Jack:

Anna Neslund
Studied on: IES Freiburg European Union in Germany
Lived in: an apartment
Happy to answer questions about:
budgeting while abroad, planning independent travel, navigating cultural differences, making new friends, using public transportation
How to contact Anna:
Instagram: annaneslund_

Eva Packer
Studied on: SIT Netherlands Sexuality and Gender
Interned for: Fite Qlub
Lived in: Homestay
Scholarships and grants received: Merit-based Scholarship, Need-based Grant
Happy to answer questions on:
applying for study abroad scholarships, budgeting while abroad, planning independent travel, living with a host family, navigating cultural differences, understanding personal identity abroad, making new friends, using public transportation
How to contact Eva:
Instagram: evapacker

Maddie Phillips
Studied on: IES London: Study London in the United Kingdom & IES Internships London
Lived in: an apartment
Scholarships and grants received: Merit-based Scholarship
Happy to answer questions on:
planning independent travel, making new friends, using public transportation
How to contact Maddie:
Instagram: madeline.phillips21

Bella Rivera
Studied on: ISEP Direct: Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso in Chile
Lived in: Homestay
Scholarships and grants received: Global Access Ambassador, Merit-based Scholarship
Happy to answer questions on:
applying for study abroad scholarships, budgeting while abroad, planning independent travel, living with a host family, navigating cultural differences, understanding personal identity abroad, making new friends, using public transportation, building foreign language proficiency
How to contact Bella:
Instagram: belariivera

Kiernan Sheeler
Studied on: Wells in Florence: Lorenzo de Medici
Lived in: apartment
Scholarships and grants received: Merit-based Scholarship
Happy to answer questions on:
budgeting while abroad, planning independent travel, navigating cultural differences, making new friends
How to contact Kiernan:
Instagram: kiernansheeler

Jennifer Schmitt
Studied on: IES Dublin Writers Program in Ireland
Lived in: apartment
Scholarships and grants received: IES Abroad Scholarship
Happy to answer questions on:
budgeting while abroad, planning independent travel, understanding personal identity abroad, making new friends, using public transportation
How to contact Jennifer:
Instagram: jennaaschmitt11

Mia Terry
Studied on: Iowa Regents in Australia: University of Tasmania
Lived in: residence hall/dormitory
Happy to answer questions on:
budgeting while abroad, planning independent travel, navigating cultural differences, understanding personal identity abroad, making new friends, using public transportation
How to contact Mia:
Instagram: miaaterryy

Claudia Wilcox
Studied on: TEAN New Zealand: Victoria in Wellington
Lived in: residence hall/dormitory
Scholarships and grants received: Merit-based Scholarship
Happy to answer questions on:
planning independent travel, understanding personal identity abroad, making new friends, using public transportation
How to contact Claudia:
Instagram: claudia.wilcox

Kenna Wolbers
Studied on: IES Dublin Writers Program in Ireland
Lived in: apartment
Happy to answer questions about:
budgeting while abroad, planning independent travel, navigating cultural differences, understanding personal identity abroad, making new friends, using public transportation
How to contact Nora: