Breadcrumb Home Study Abroad Returned Students Study Abroad Peer Mentor Application Study Abroad Peer Mentor Application Thank you for your interest in becoming a Study Abroad Peer Mentor at the University of Iowa! Please fill out the form below and we will get back to you. You must have JavaScript enabled to use this form. Name Major/Minor/Certificates Study Abroad Experiences Please list the country(s) and city(s) you studied abroad in and include program name(s), session (i.e. winter, spring, summer) and year abroad. Did you do an internship abroad? Yes No Please describe where you worked and what you did at your internship. Select any scholarships or grants you received, if any: Global Access Ambassador Scholarship (previously Diversity Ambassador Scholarship) Merit-based Scholarship Need-based Grant Ken Magid Scholarship Leona Zaharis Scholarship Critical Language Scholarship Gilman Scholarship Other… Enter other… Briefly describe your study abroad experience. (what did you study, unique experiences you had, favorite memory or thing you did on a daily basis, or anything else you'd like to share) What type of housing did you have? (if you studied abroad more than once, select all that apply) Apartment Residence hall/dormitory Homestay Other… Enter other… Please indicate which topics you are interested in discussing with prospective students. Applying for study abroad scholarships Budgeting while abroad Planning independent travel Living with a host family Navigating cultural differences Understanding personal identity abroad Making new friends Using public transportation Building foreign language proficiency Other… Enter other… Why do you want to be a Study Abroad Peer Mentor? How do you want prospective students to contact you? (fill out one or more) Email: Instagram (add handle): Upload a photo/headshot (preferably one of you abroad) we can use on the Study Abroad Peer Mentor web page One file only.50 MB limit.Allowed types: gif, jpg, png, bmp, eps, tif, pict. By selecting the box below, you indicate your agreement with the following media release guidelines. Please read the following: IP Media Release Terms and Conditions I agree to the terms above. Leave this field blank