Guests on the February 22 WorldCanvass, Against Amnesia: Archives, Evidence, and Social Justice, explored the critical role of archives in our everyday lives and historical experience. The first event in the 2018 Provost’s Global Forum-Obermann Humanities Symposium, the show's discussions opened the virtual doors of archival cabinets and shared some of Iowa’s and our nation’s most intriguing stories and little-known history—much of which might be lost if not for the thoughtful care and preservation undertaken by unsung heroes, sometimes at great personal risk.
Media Coverage:
Press Citizen: Upcoming events celebrate archival collections that capture our past and shape our future
The Daily Iowan: Archives preserve cultural history
Part 1: Remembering who we are
Part 2: Ethical challenges
Part 3: Animating the archive
WorldCanvass is also available on iTunes.