Each year, University of Iowa (UI) Study Abroad works closely with faculty from across disciplines to develop unique summer programs where students can earn UI credit while traveling abroad. This year, Study Abroad will be offering a record 14 programs, with course content ranging from business in Singapore and culture in Spain to performance study in London and film production in Hungary. Deadlines for these summer programs are approaching.
We highlight a few programs below and asked the faculty leaders about their programs and why students should take their courses.

Ancient Perspectives, Modern Eyes
Faculty leader: Debra Trusty, associate professor of instruction, classics
“This trip offers a chance to explore the many different sides of Greece, from the ancient city limits of busy, lively Athens to the rustic countryside of Olympia and the mountains of Delphi. You’ll also get to see how important the sea is to ancient and modern Greeks by spending some time on the islands. You're not in one city - you're everywhere in Greece and get to see the variety and diversity that the country has to offer. I have contacts in museums and sites around Greece so I'm able to get behind-the-scenes tours where you can meet professionals in the field. These are opportunities that a tourist traveling on their own could never have.”

Cultures of Spain
Faculty leader: Luis Martín-Estudillo, professor and collegiate scholar, Spanish
“In this course we don't learn in a classroom, but by exploring many of the incredible sites Spain has to offer, from medieval castles to film locations, and by visiting several cities. I think a student said it best: ‘Participating was by far the best decision I have EVER made in my life. Not only did I cross items off my bucket list and complete my goal of studying abroad, but I gained a whole new sense of self and independence.’”

Exploring Major Determinants of Health in Spain
Faculty leader: Lucas Carr, associate professor, health and human physiology
“You will explore why Spain is consistently ranked as one of the healthiest countries in the world. We will learn about lifestyle, health care, and social determinants of health that are unique to this area. We will visit parks, museums, and food markets and will be very active and fully explore the Spanish diet. You should take this course if you want to broaden your perspective on the determinants of health. I think this information could be very useful to anyone planning to enter the healthcare field.”

London Performance Study
Faculty leader: Loyce Arthur, associate professor, theatre arts
“The most unique aspect of the course is the opportunity to see 11+ plays in London, one of the theater capitols of the world, while immersing yourself in a city that is steeped in history, art, and world cultures and provides the cultural context for the plays. Imagine seeing the musical Hamilton in the West End and contemplating the clash between England and America that started it all! We will also dine in a Caribbean restaurant as part of a discussion of Caribbean-British immigrant experiences similar to Hamilton’s journey from the Anglophone Island of Nevis to the U.S. We will also attend plays at Shakespeare’s Globe Theater where you can watch the show as a 'groundling,' in the same way that audiences did in the 17th century.”

Shakespeare’s England
Faculty leader: Jonathan Wilcox, professor, English
“As a professor who was born and bred in London, I enjoy introducing Iowa students to the similarities and differences between English and Iowa culture, which will serve as an entry point to understanding the works of Shakespeare in their original context. What better place to immerse yourself in great literature written and first produced on the sixteenth-century London stage than in London of today, with its many traces of London past, and watching performances in a theater recreated on the model and at the site of Shakespeare’s original Globe? A visit to Stratford-upon-Avon will round out the experience of Shakespeare’s influence in England of today.
See the full list of summer 2024 faculty-led courses here
International Programs (IP) at the University of Iowa (UI) is committed to enriching the global experience of UI students, faculty, staff, and the general public by leading efforts to promote internationally oriented teaching, research, creative work, and community engagement. IP provides support for international students and scholars, administers scholarships and assistance for students who study, intern, or do research abroad, and provides funding opportunities and grant-writing assistance for faculty engaged in international research. IP shares their stories through various media, and by hosting multiple public engagement activities each year.