Wednesday, October 11, 2017

International Programs will host a Boren Awards and Critical Language Scholarship information session on Wednesday, October 18, from 5-7 p.m. in 1100 University Capitol Centre. Learn about award requirements, the application process, and have your questions answered by Boren representative Randi Butler and CLS campus advisor Karen Wachsmuth. 

Boren Awards provide American undergraduate and graduate students with the resources and encouragement they need to acquire skills and experiences in areas of the world critical to the future security of our nation, in exchange for their commitment to seek work in the federal government. The Boren awards offer up to $20,000 for undergraduate study abroad and up to $30,000 for graduate student language study and international research.

Boren Scholarship | UI Campus Deadline:  January 25, 2018

Boren Fellowship  | National Deadline:  January 31, 2018

The Critical Language Scholarship Program provides fully-funded group-based intensive language instruction and structured cultural enrichment activities overseas each summer for U.S. undergraduate and graduate students. The CLS Program is part of a U.S. government effort to expand dramatically the number of Americans studying and mastering critical foreign languages. The fourteen CLS languages are: Arabic, Azerbaijani, Bangla, Chinese, Hindi, Indonesian, Japanese, Korean, Persian, Punjabi, Russian, Swahili, Turkish, and Urdu. Participants are expected to continue their language study beyond the scholarship period, and later apply their critical language skills in their future professional careers. Students of diverse disciplines and majors are encouraged to apply. 

CLS National Deadline: November 15, 2017

Individuals with disabilities are encouraged to attend all UI-sponsored events. If you are a person with a disability who requires a reasonable accommodation in order to participate in these events, contact Karen Wachsmuth in advance at or 319-335-1436.