
Smoother Traveling for UI Denizens

Friday, January 29, 2016
Preparing for a trip abroad may have just gotten easier. Students and staff at the University of Iowa requiring visas, passport renewals, or other travel document services will now be offered these services at a discounted rate. The Committee on Institutional Cooperation has signed a contract with CIBT Visa Services to provide passport and visa services to the UI and other Institutional Cooperation institutions — which include other schools in the Big Ten.

Student Funding Alumni Spotlight: Patrick Reed

Friday, October 23, 2015
Patrick Reed graduated with a Master in Fine Arts in papermaking and bookbinding from the UI Center for the Book in 2013. He received a Fulbright grant in 2014 to the Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society at Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich, Germany, for his project “Apocalyptic Themes of Natural Disaster in 16th and 21st Century Woodcut Prints.” He is currently back in Germany continuing his research through a DAAD Study Scholarship and Research Grant. International Programs interviewed Patrick to get his insights on living abroad, and how the experience affected his research.

The Other Diaspora: Moriscos in Early Modern Spain

Friday, October 16, 2015
It was impossible to get lost. The address of the archives was clear on the website: monumental area, next to the cathedral. It was not my first time in Cuenca, but I did not know how long it would take me walking from downtown, where my hostel was. I left two hours before the archives opened to make sure I would take full advantage of the four hours a day the archive is open.

Studying diabetes in Bulgaria: Stanley awardee discovers the power of healthy eating

Monday, October 5, 2015
It will not be pills or insulin that will cure these people, it is a strict lifestyle change to a proper diet. I plan on spreading this knowledge to as many people as I can in the hopes that they give themselves a chance at being healthy and happy individuals and getting their life back from the grips of diabetes.