race and ethnicity
Euro-Pudding, Transnationalism, Pop-Art…? A look at Marjane Satrapi and Vincent Paronnaud’s Cinéma-monde
Wednesday, April 6, 2016
Has French Cinema lost its roots and become a nondescript mass of so-called European film traditions? Is transnationalism just a weighted synonym for ‘international coproduction?’ Can popular cinema also be art?
Chronicles of a Black Male Traveller
Wednesday, March 2, 2016
I have now lived in Edinburgh for two months, and I recently had a week off of class and had the opportunity to travel around Europe. Now that I have seen a little bit more of the world, I thought it would be a good time to reflect on my identity as an American, specifically a black male American, abroad.
Student Reflections on Race and Ethnicity: Finding yourself
Friday, September 11, 2015
Hello University of Iowa students thinking about studying abroad! Last year, around this time, I was looking into studying abroad just like you! This experience has changed my life. I saw my textbooks come to life, met amazing people, and, above all, found myself.
Reflections of Ethnicity and Identity Abroad - African Heritage in Cuba
Monday, August 31, 2015
My name is Nadia Doubiany, and I am a senior at the University of Iowa studying International Studies in Human Rights, Fundraising and Philanthropy Communications, and Spanish. If you are considering study abroad in Cuba, do it! In all of my travels abroad, my experience in Cuba has been by far the most life changing.
LGBTQ Identity and Race and Ethnicity Abroad: Crossing cultural boundaries
Friday, August 28, 2015
Jeno Singson graduated from the University of Iowa this spring with a degree in marketing. He was a recipient of the Diversity Ambassador Scholarship for Study Abroad, which applied toward a yearlong program at Bond University in Gold Coast, Australia. Identifying as not only Asian but also a member of the LGBT community, Jeno made it his personal goal to be a role model for other Asian LGBT minorities as well as people of color. The following is a reflection by Jeno on his time abroad.