dean's blog
Dean's Message: Necessity is the mother of invention
Friday, July 17, 2020
Dean Ganim addresses some of the innovative ways International Programs has continued to promote international education.
Dean's Message: Gratitude and hope
Sunday, June 7, 2020
From celebrating our recent graduates to assessing the needs of our international students, Dean Ganim shares some of the latest activities of International Programs.
Dean's Message: International Education in the Time of COVID-19
Monday, April 27, 2020
Dean Russell Ganim explains how International Programs is looking to the future and working collaboratively with our partners on and off campus to find innovative ways for our students to safely engage in international education.
New tool aids faculty and students with name pronunciation
Monday, November 28, 2016
A collaborative effort by International Programs, Information Technology Services (ITS), and the Office of the Registrar moved to develop a name pronunciation tool where students can record their name and select their preferred gender pronouns. Now faculty and staff will know how to pronounce a student’s name in class and what gender pronouns are preferred.