As a psychology major, many study abroad options are available to you. Imagine developing practical counseling skills in Denmark, experimenting in neuropsychology and psychophysiology in purpose-built laboratories in the UK, or studying Maori development and psychology in New Zealand. Programs are available in almost every language, and many programs are also available in English. Study psychology, or take advantage of your destination to study history and culture, fulfill General Education Requirements, study a language, complete research in a special topic, or do an internship.
Although we generally do not encourage psychology majors to study abroad until their junior or senior year, the summer between freshman and sophomore year provides an excellent opportunity to participate in a short-term program. For more information, explore this website or contact a study abroad advisor. Also, remember that you need to take a statistics course before you can complete your research methods course. So, if you'd like to go overseas as a freshman, look for a program that offers a comparable statistics course so that you'll be on track for your sophomore year. Similarly, you must take your research methods class before any of your upper levels, so plan ahead for after your return.
Sophomore year is a perfect time to plan your study abroad experience by defining your goals and choosing the type of program in which you are interested. You should plan on doing some research and talking with your academic and study abroad advisors to make sure that the classes you are taking at the UI match well with your future study abroad objectives. Also, consider going abroad as a sophomore to complete General Education Requirements. However, remember that your research methods course must be taken before you can complete any of your upper-level electives. It is suggested that you take that course and statistics before going overseas. Most students finish these requirements during their sophomore year.
Junior year is a great time to spend a semester or year abroad. As a junior, you should choose a study abroad program that will allow you to take classes that satisfy your lower or upper-level elective requirements. You are required to take 9 hours of lower-level electives, and these classes may be taken abroad. Be aware that classes similar to the UI's will likely have different names overseas. Ask your departmental advisor for more information. You are also required to take 9 hours of upper-level electives. Again, these classes can be taken abroad. Not all of the examples listed below are directly equivalent to UI courses, but they are transferable, and students are encouraged to take classes that aren't offered at the UI:
- Abnormal Psychology
- Personality
- History of Psychology
- Forensic Psychology
You can also take classes that will satisfy some of the requirements of a minor or second major. Also, consider taking classes that will enhance your understanding of the culture you are visiting. Language study is also a good option. If you haven't yet completed your language requirements, talk to your academic advisor or a study abroad advisor about your options.
Senior year is another great time to study abroad. As a senior, you can pick a program that is geared toward your academic and professional interests. Also, take this time to enrich your understanding of psychology by looking for classes that are unique to foreign environments and universities. Juniors and seniors might also consider doing an internship overseas. However, if you're working on a BS in psychology, remember that your are required to take the Psychology Seminar and Lab in Psychology. These classes are usually taken during your senior year, they don’t transfer, and are not offered in the summer, so you'll need to plan around them. These two classes can be taken in the same semester, but generally they are not. Also keep in mind that applying to graduate and professional schools (typically done during the fall semester of senior year) can be tricky while abroad.
General Education Component
Most study abroad locations will offer coursework that will count towards Humanities and Social Sciences GEC requirements.
Language study is a good option, too. Talk with your academic advisor or a study abroad advisor to learn more.
Major requirements
Early planning is the key to successfully finding equivalencies for your major requirements on a study abroad program. Classes offered by our partner universities will provide you with a perspective on your field that is unique to the country and culture where you are studying, and that will augment the perspectives you receive in the U.S. classroom.
B.A. Program
Psychology Core Courses
Both your statistics and research methods courses can be taken abroad.
Lower Level Electives
All of these classes can be taken while abroad. Sometimes, classes similar to the UI's will have different names overseas. For example, the UI's course in Biopsychology may be called Physiological Psychology and Developmental Science may be called Child Development or Child Psychology. Be sure to read course descriptions and talk with your advisors to find out if a course is transferable.
Upper Level Electives
All of these classes may be taken overseas. Many classes offered abroad will not be a direct match for a UI class, but they will still count for transferable credit. Talk with your advisors to learn more.
Second Area of Concentration
Transfer credit may not be used to satisfy this requirement.
B.S. Program
Psychology Core Courses
See above.
Lower Level Electives
See above.
Upper Level Electives
See above.
Selected Topic Courses
The Psychology Seminar and Lab in Psychology are required for the BS degree. Talk with your major advisor to learn more about options for taking these courses while abroad. If you choose to do them at the UI, remember that they are not offered in the summer and are generally taken in two separate semesters during the senior year, so plan accordingly.
Cognate Requirements
The Calculus requirement can be taken overseas.
Talk with your major advisor to learn more about options for completing other cognate requirements while abroad.
Electives are an excellent opportunity to earn psychology credit.
If you are a double major, please check with you other major advisor to make sure that you are meeting their requirements, as well as those for psychology.
Abnormal psychology is studied very differently abroad. Germany and Italian psychologists have wildly different views of psychopathology. They conceptualize and categorize it differently. On the other hand, Australia and the UK have a very similar approach to psychopathology as the U.S. While studying this specialty abroad could be very interesting, it could also lead to confusion, so be aware of these differences as your are picking a program and selecting your courses.
Finally, while Calculus can be taken overseas, it is recommended that Biology and Chemistry be taken at the UI. While Bio and Chem classes may be offered by foreign universities, the course content could be very different.
All students who study abroad must be in good academic and disciplinary standing. Each program listed has coursework taught in English unless otherwise stated. In addition, each program has specific eligibility requirements that may include GPA, prerequisites, and/or class standing. Please see the specific program page on the Study Abroad website at
TEAN Australia: University of New South Wales (UNSW)
Fall, Spring, Academic Year, Calendar Year
The University of New South Wales offers undergraduate courses in many disciplines. Students can study statistics and calculus through their School of Mathematics, as well as psychology electives through their Bachelor of Psychological Science program. Courses include Research Methods; Assessment, Personality, and Psychopathology; Social and Developmental Psychology; Measuring Mind and Behavior; and Perception and Cognition.
TEAN Australia: Bond University
Fall, Spring, Academic Year, Calendar Year
The Faculty of Society and Design at Bond University equips students with a broad understanding of psychology. It provides a strong foundation of psychological principles and enables students at various academic levels to develop their knowledge and skills. Courses include Psychology at Work, Neuropsychology, Counseling Psychology, Social Psychology, Cross-Cultural Psychology, and Developmental Psychology.
Regents’ Semester in Australia: University of Tasmania (UTAS)
Fall, Spring, Academic Year, Calendar Year
The University of Tasmania offers many psychology-related courses. Statistics, Calculus, and Research Methods are all available, as are courses related directly to psychology. These courses are found in their College of Health and Medicine. Courses include Qualitative Researching Aged and Dementia Care, Forensic Psychology, Social Psychology, Clinical and Counseling Psychology, and Cognitive Psychology.
New Zealand
TEAN New Zealand: University of Otago
Fall, Spring, Academic Year, Calendar Year
The University of Otago is New Zealand’s first university and was established in 1869. It offers students both Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science degrees in psychology. Courses include Calculus, Principles of Psychological Research, Statistics, Psychology of Language, and Cultural Psychology.
TEAN New Zealand: Victoria University
Fall, Spring, Academic Year, Calendar Year
Victoria University offers many areas of studies and courses within the liberal arts. Their School of Psychology has over 150 courses related to psychology. Courses include Abnormal Psychology, Political Psychology, Conducting Reach Across Cultures, Affective Neuroscience, and Memory.
American College of Thessaloniki
Fall, Spring, Academic Year, Summer
Students directly enroll in American College of Thessaloniki (ACT), a U.S.-accredited university in Northern Greece. Thessaloniki is the "road less taken," a culturally intact, small, diverse, youthful city that serves as the gateway to Southeastern Europe. ACT offers a host of courses for psychology majors, as well as general education and elective courses. Courses include Developmental Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Social Psychology, Research Methods and Statistics, Organizational Psychology, and Psychology of Addiction. Course offerings vary by semester.
Wells in Florence: Lorenzo De Medici
Fall, Spring
Wells College facilitates enrollment for UI students at Lorenzo di Medici, the Italian International Institute in Florence. As a part of the School of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences, students take courses offered by the Psychology department. Courses include Social Psychology, Child Psychology, Psychology of Crime, Forensic Psychology, Adolescent Psychology, and Organizational Psychology: Understanding Workplace Dynamics. Course offerings vary by semester.
Czech Republic
CEA Prague Full Curriculum
Fall, Spring, Academic Year
This program allows UI students to take courses at either the Anglo-American University, Prague’s oldest university, or at CEA’s Prague Center. There are numerous course options for psychology majors, as well as courses that satisfy general education requirements or serve as general electives. Courses include Introduction to Psychology, Psychology of Decision Making, and Psychology of Art and Culture.
Study Abroad in Montpellier
Fall, Spring, Academic Year, Summer
The University of Minnesota has a Learning Abroad Center in Southern France and partners with two universities in Montpellier. The Youth Development & Psychology in France track has a comprehensive offering of psychology courses and a French language component. Classes are taught in both English and French. Courses include Introduction to Child Psychology, Cross-Cultural Psychology, and Community Engagement.
USAC San Sebastián 276
Fall, Spring, Academic Year
In addition to required Spanish language coursework, USAC San Sebastián offers two English-taught courses in psychology each semester, and these courses are often approved as electives for the psychology major at UI. The psychology courses are usually taught by a visiting faculty professor from the U.S., so course topics and titles vary from semester to semester. Examples of recent courses include Cognitive Psychology: Fundamentals of Perception and Attention; Social Psychology: Intergroup Relations in Conflict and Post-Conflict Societies; and Affective, Social, and Emotional Development.
CIEE Seville International Business & Culture
Fall, Spring, Academic Year
Through this unique program, students study in Seville with the support services of CIEE while enrolling primarily in courses at a local university, Universidad Pablo de Olavide (UPO). After completing an intensive Spanish course in beginning through intermediate levels at CIEE, students can choose from a wide variety of courses taught in English at UPO. Studying alongside other international students or local students at UPO, participants can take psychology-related courses such as Cultural Psychology, Social Psychology, General Sports Psychology, and Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity.
United Kingdom
IES London: University College London
Fall, Spring, Academic Year
Through the IES London: University College London program, UI students enroll at the University College London (UCL), taking courses with their local British peers while also having access to IES Abroad’s student support services. UCL’s Psychology department is ranked within the top 10 in the United Kingdom and offers a wide range of elementary through advanced psychology courses. Courses include Psychology 1A and 2A, Health and Clinical Psychology, Brain and Behaviour, and Topics in Neurobiology.
University of Strathclyde Exchange
Fall, Spring, Academic Year
The University of Strathclyde Exchange program allows Iowa students to spend a semester or academic year at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow, Scotland. Students experience campus life in Glasgow, enrolled in classes with their Scottish peers and living with local and international students in student accommodations. Strathclyde’s highly ranked Psychology department offers courses that can satisfy UI’s psychology major requirements. Courses include Psychology 1A, Cognition and Neuropsychology, and Social Psychology.
IES Dublin: Dublin City University
Spring, Academic Year
Through the IES Dublin: Dublin City University program, students enroll at Dublin City University with their Irish peers while taking advantage of a variety of cultural excursions and specialized student support services only available to study abroad students. DCU’s Psychology department offers extensive coursework that satisfies UI’s psychology major requirements. Courses include Psychology of Individual Difference and Diversity, Psychology 1: Learning and Motivation, Psychology 2: Psychology of Adolescence, and Social Psychology.
ISEP Åbo Akademi University, Finland
Fall, Spring, Academic Year
ISEP facilitates the direct enrollment of UI students in Åbo Akademi University. All coursework is in English. Through the Faculty of Arts, Psychology and Theology, students have a variety of courses from which they can choose. Courses include Social Psychology, Biological Psychology, Emotions, Introduction to Evolutionary Psychology, and Cognitive Psychology.
ISEP University of Eastern Finland
Fall, Spring, Academic Year
ISEP facilitates the direct enrollment of UI students to the University of Eastern Finland, which has two campuses. The Joensuu campus is in the heart of the eastern Finnish lake country and is compact and easy to access. The international students’ association, ESN Joensuu, brings Finnish and international students together to promote an international atmosphere on campus by organizing different activities. Courses include Introduction to Health Psychology, Introduction to Psychology of Organizations, Personality Psychology, Introduction to Social Psychology, and Marriage and Parenthood.
ISEP University of Turku, Finland
Fall, Spring, Academic Year
ISEP facilitates the direct enrollment of UI students to the University of Turku in the city of Turku, the oldest city in Finland. The city is located on the southwestern coast of Finland and has served as a link between western (Stockholm) and eastern (St. Petersburg) cultural influences since medieval times. At the University of Turku, the Department of Psychology and Speech-Language Pathology offers numerous courses in psychology. Courses include Cognitive Psychology, Psychology of Language, Introduction to Evolutionary Psychology, Consciousness and Brain, Social Psychology, Biological Psychology, and Forensic Psychological Assessment.
South Korea
TEAN South Korea: Korea University
Fall, Spring, Academic Year, Calendar Year, Summer
TEAN facilitates direct enrollment for UI students at Korea University in Seoul. Through the School of Psychology, students have many course options. Courses include Abnormal Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Counseling Psychology, Culture and Human Behavior, and Consumer Psychology. Course offerings vary by semester.
Ewha Womans University Exchange
Fall, Spring, Academic Year, Calendar Year
This exchange program allows UI students to enroll as international students at Ewha Womans University. Students can enroll in psychology courses, courses for general education credit, electives, and Korean language courses. Courses include Understanding Psychology, Social Psychology, Advertising and Consumer Psychology, Developmental Psychology, and Personality Psychology. Course offerings vary by semester.