Students in the Health and Human Physiology Department often go on to careers in health care, including health promotion or wellness, health education, medicine, physical therapy, or other professional fields. Study abroad can bring a more global understanding to this work by exposing students to diverse populations. Taking observation-based courses in clinical settings abroad can teach students about other models of health care outside of the United States standard.

This MAP focuses on the Health & Human Physiology BA and its three tracks, as well as the Human Physiology BS. Future MAPs are planned to address students in the Sports & Recreation Management and the Therapeutic Recreation programs.

After reading through this MAP, make sure to head over to our Steps to Studying Abroad page to learn about our Discover Study Abroad sessions and how to start planning your time abroad. Ideally, you should begin to plan your study abroad experience at least two semesters in advance of your departure date. Be in touch with a Study Abroad advisor and your advisor in the Health and Human Physiology Department early in the planning process.


Health and Human Physiology students who wish to take courses that apply to their major will find that second semester of their junior year or first semester of their senior year are the best times to study abroad. However, study abroad can also be an opportunity to fulfill your World Languages requirement or other CLAS Core general education requirements. If that’s the goal, the beginning of sophomore year or the summer after your first or second year is a great time to study abroad; just be sure that you are on track to graduate on time when you return. Your departmental academic advisor can help design a Sample Plan on MyUI to determine when study abroad works best for you.


Summer and winter programs are highly recommended, especially for double majors who do not have time to study abroad during the academic year. While you might not be completing coursework that applies to your major, you can take CLAS Core, including World Languages, requirements. More information about fulfilling academic requirements abroad as a Health and Human Physiology major is available on the Academics tab of this MAP.


Some required courses for the BA and BS must be taken on campus. Before you enroll in courses abroad, consult with a departmental advisor in the Health and Human Physiology Department and a Study Abroad advisor to discuss which of your academic requirements can be taken abroad for credit.

Human Physiology BS

Of the 31 semester hours of Core and Required Cognate courses, a minimum of 16 s.h. must be resident credit. Some study abroad programs offer resident credit; ask your Study Abroad advisor if you’re interested in this option.

Health & Human Physiology BA

For students in the Health Promotion track, study abroad can satisfy the experiential learning requirement.

Double majors should be sure to check out the Major Advising Page (MAP) corresponding with their second major, as there are likely study abroad options relevant to both majors.

General Education Courses

Health & Human Physiology majors, especially those who are in their first or second year at the UI, are encouraged to fulfill CLAS Core requirements abroad. The World Languages requirement particularly lends itself to study abroad. Most study abroad locations offer coursework that will count as part of your general education requirements. For more information, check out our General Education Program MAP.

Honors Courses

You may be able to receive Health and Human Physiology Honors credit for courses taken abroad. For more information, consult with the Health and Human Physiology Honors advisor. Keep in mind that if you are pursuing University Honors, it is possible to earn an Honors Commendation for 12 hours of Honors coursework taken abroad.


Students who complete a pre-approved research component as part of a study abroad program could receive credit for Undergraduate Independent Study. If this interests you, you’ll need to have the specifics approved by your departmental advisor before going abroad.

Minor Courses

Health and Human Physiology minors may be able to receive minor credit abroad. You must secure the approval of the instructor who teaches the UI equivalent of the course you want to enroll in overseas. Consult the Human Physiology Minor webpage for more information.

Most departments in CLAS allow up to 3 s.h. of transfer credit towards a minor; be sure to check with your departmental advisor to confirm transfer credit limits. This limitation does not apply to study abroad programs that grant resident credit. Your Study Abroad advisor can share which programs grant resident credit. 


Taking an internship for credit while abroad, especially in the latter semesters of your program, can be a good way to gain experience in a potential career field and transition into post-academic life. More information can be found on the Study Abroad internships page.

General Electives

Study abroad can be a great opportunity to explore new disciplines. While you will not receive credit toward your major for general electives taken abroad, it’s possible to receive credit toward graduation. Talk to an advisor in the Study Abroad office for information about earning credit for general electives completed overseas.



Many science prerequisites are sequential; it’s not recommended to split Biology I and II or Chemistry I and II, for example, between on-campus courses and courses taken abroad. Some study abroad programs offer the opportunity to take both courses of a sequence in the same semester. Consult your departmental advisor before committing yourself to taking science prerequisites abroad so you can be sure the courses will fulfill your degree requirements.

Funding your trip abroad

Various scholarships are available for UI students planning to study abroad. Information about these scholarships is available on the Study Abroad scholarships webpage. It may be possible to apply a departmental scholarship to study abroad. More information can be found at the Health and Human Physiology scholarships webpage. All students are strongly encouraged to consult with a departmental advisor and a Study Abroad Advisor about financing their study abroad experience.


You can start your search with the recommended programs below, but feel free to browse the Study Abroad program database for other possibilities. The specific programs recommended below may change, so check with your major advisor and Study Abroad for the latest updates.

All students who study abroad must be in good academic and disciplinary standing. Each program listed has coursework taught in English unless otherwise stated. In addition, each program has specific eligibility requirements that may include GPA, prerequisites, and/or class standing. For more information about the program, click on the button below the program description.



USAC Reggio Emilia
Fall, Spring, Academic Year, Summer

At USAC Reggio Emilia, students take an Italian language class (Fall/Spring) and select from a variety of elective courses. Courses include Foundations of Personal Health and Wellness, Comparative Global Health Issues and Systems, Nutrition Across the Lifespan, Aging: An Interdisciplinary Approach, Health and Wellness Communication, and Healthy Aging: A Global Perspective. Course offerings vary by semester.


CIEE Seville International Business & Culture
Fall, Spring, Academic Year

Through this unique program, students study in Seville with the support services of CIEE while enrolling primarily in courses at a local university, Universidad Pablo de Olavide (UPO), studying alongside other international students and local students. After completing an intensive Spanish course in beginning through intermediate levels at CIEE, students can choose from a wide variety of courses taught in English at UPO. Courses include Anatomy and Physiology II, General Chemistry, Cellular Biology, Applied Microbiology, Nutritional Epidemiology, Genetics, and Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity.

United Kingdom

Iowa Regents Semester in Wales
Fall, Spring, Academic Year

The Regents Semester in Wales program allows students to enroll at Swansea University, living and studying on campus with local students. Swansea’s Media and Communications department is rated among the top five in the United Kingdom. Health and Human Physiology students can choose from a wide variety of courses from introductory to advanced levels. Courses include Anatomy and Physiology for Healthcare Science, Health Promotion and Public Health, Human Physiology, Foundations in Exercise Science, Critical Issues in Sport Sociology, and Human Nutrition.

Lancaster Exchange Program
Fall, Spring, Academic Year

Through the Lancaster Exchange Program, Iowa students enroll at Lancaster University, living and studying on campus with their British peers while fully immersed in the local culture. Lancaster offers dozens of health science courses across several departments, including Biological Science, Math and Statistics, and Sports Science. Courses include Introduction to Epidemiology, Calculus, Statistics, Introduction to Nutrition, Principles of Biomechanics, Concepts in Sports and Exercise Psychology, and Physiology and Metabolism.


Iowa Regents Semester in Ireland
Fall, Spring, Academic Year

Students enroll at the University College Cork (UCC), one of the oldest universities in Ireland, living and studying on campus with their Irish peers while fully immersed in the local culture. UCC offers courses in  of anatomy, chemistry, mathematical studies, nutrition, and physiology. Courses include Anatomy of Exercise, Principles of Human Structure, Introductory Chemistry for Food and Nutritional Sciences, Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry, Calculus, Introduction to Statistics, Principles of Nutrition, Human Nutrition in the Developing World, Introductory Physiology, and Food Security and the Developing World.



SIT India Public Health, Gender, and Community Action
Fall, Spring

Students participating in this program work to understand the pioneering links between public health, gender, and community action in India and Thailand. Key topics of this program include studying the role of community health workers in the healthcare system, exploring public health challenges, witnessing the management of diseases and mental health, and understanding health and its relationship to human fulfillment. Courses include Public Health: Key Determinants, Gender, and Equity; Health Rights Advocacy in South Asia; Hindi; Field Methods and Ethics in Social Science and Health; and an Independent Study Project (ISP). 

SIT India Traditional Medicine and Healthcare Practices

This program introduces students to many of India’s healthcare systems. Students will gain a deep understanding of how India nurtures its vibrant, ancient traditional medicine systems while experiencing economic growth and modernization. It will examine many of the social, economic, cultural, and legal paradigms that provide a context for healthcare service delivery in India. Students learn concepts of life, health, disease, treatment, and care in Ayurveda, yoga, and Tibetan medicine. Courses include Traditional Indian Medicine: Theory and Context and Field Study of Traditional Indian Healthcare Practices.

South Korea

TEAN South Korea: Korea University
Fall, Spring, Academic Year, Calendar Year

TEAN facilitates direct enrollment for students at Korea University in Seoul. The College of Health Science offers a variety of courses relevant for Health and Human Physiology. Courses include Human Physiology, Society and Health, Introduction to Health Promotion, Introduction to Global Health, Health and Globalization, and Health in Old Age. Students can also find biology, chemistry, calculus, and statistics course offerings. Course offerings vary by semester.

Latin America


CIEE Buenos Aires Community Public Health Program

This eight-week program is for students studying Spanish and any aspect of healthcare. The first four weeks provide classroom-based theory and language instruction. The second four weeks are done in the field at one of three offsite placements where students complete a practicum. Students must have four semesters of college-level Spanish or the equivalent to participate. All students take the following courses: Advanced Spanish Conversation and Grammar, Pre-Professional Healthcare Issues, and Community Health Practicum.

Costa Rica

CIEE Monteverde Open Campus
Fall, Spring

CIEE’s campus on the edge of a cloud forest offers unparalleled opportunities for students to take full advantage of all that Monteverde offers. Two courses are taken during each six-week block, and UI students participate in all three blocks for 18 semester hours. There are no required courses and no prerequisites to participate; however, some upper-level courses will have prerequisites for that topic. Courses include Global Health and Emerging Diseases; General Chemistry I (lab course); Family, Schools, and Child Development; Introduction to Biology I (lab course); General Chemistry II (lab course); Community and Public Health; Biology of Tropical Diseases; Directed Independent Research; and Service-Learning Project.

USAC San Ramón
Fall, Spring, Academic Year, Summer

This program focuses on life and health sciences and cultural studies. Students can study Spanish, biology, and health and complete an internship or conduct research. Courses are augmented with several field studies, tours, and field trips. USAC students take their classes at the Sede de Occidente, the oldest satellite campus of the University of Costa Rica. Courses include Cell Biology (with a lab), Global Health, Independent Research, and Women’s Health: Global Health and Human Rights.


South Africa

IES Cape Town, University of Cape Town
Fall, Spring, Academic Year

This program offers a wide variety of courses through the School of Health Sciences. Students take 15 to 19 total semester hours and have the opportunity to work with several NGOs, hospitals, clinics, and hospice care facilities.  Courses include Developmental Kinesiology, Endemic Diseases and their Socioeconomic Context, Nutrition & HIV, and Health & Community.


SIT Madagascar Traditional Medicine and Healthcare Systems

Madagascar is one of the world’s globally recognized “megadiverse” countries, and traditional medicine is practiced as an accessible, affordable, and effective method of healthcare. Students explore traditional and allopathic healthcare; travel to rural areas to learn about ethnobotany, home and folk remedies, and healthcare access; and meet with leading academics, allopathic doctors, and Malagasy students. Courses include Social and Political Dimensions of Health and Healthcare Practice in Madagascar.

Middle East & North Africa


SIT Jordan Refugees, Health, and Humanitarian Action
Fall, Spring

Students get a firsthand look at humanitarian emergency action in Jordan and Switzerland, two countries critical to the response to the current refugee crisis. Visit Palestinian and Syrian refugee host communities, healthcare facilities, and NGOs while comparing the refugee situations in Jordan and Switzerland. Courses include Refugees and Displaced Populations in the Context of Jordan, Refugee Health and Humanitarian Action, Arabic, and either an Internship or Independent Study Project (ISP). The ISP provides an opportunity to study in greater depth an aspect of academic interest relating to the program.



TEAN Australia: University of New South Wales (UNSW)
Fall, Spring, Academic Year, Calendar Year

The University of New South Wales offers undergraduate courses in many health-related disciplines. Some health-related course topics at UNSW include food science, kinesiology, exercise science, athletic training, human movement, pre-medicine, and sport and leisure studies. Courses include Introduction to Anatomy, Functional Anatomy for Health and Exercise Science, Exercise Physiology, Health Promotion, International Indigenous Health, and Influencing Health Beliefs and Health Behaviors.

TEAN Australia: Bond University
Fall, Spring, Academic Year, Calendar Year

The Bachelor of Biomedical Science equips students with broad understanding of health including anatomical and physiological processes of the human body. It provides a strong foundation enabling students to develop their knowledge and skills across a range of disciplines. Courses include Functional Anatomy; Global Health Issues; Food, Nutrition, and Health; Human Nutrition; Sport, Health, and Exercise Psychology; and Foundations of Exercise and Sport Science.

New Zealand

TEAN New Zealand: University of Otago
Fall, Spring, Academic Year, Calendar Year

The University of Otago is a top-ranked STEM university with brand new labs and a wide range of science and health courses to choose from. Their Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Health Studies programs offer such subjects as anatomy, biochemistry, genetics, microbiology and immunology, neuroscience, pharmacology and toxicology and physiology. Courses include Anatomy for Sport & Exercise; Functional Human Anatomy; Human Nutrition; Physiotherapy; Molecular, Cellular, and Integrative Neurophysiology; and Physiological Aspects of Health and Disease.