The UI Department of Cinematic Arts has the development of international perspectives on film and literature as one of its primary aims. While film possesses an exciting ability to both reflect and shape creative communities, studying film and literature from within the culture that produced them offers students the chance to expand and deepen their understanding of the media. When living in another country, foreign films and literature are no longer “foreign” and you will probably find that this new perspective fosters many new insights and increases your own appreciation of the genre.
After reading through this MAP, make sure to head over to our Steps to Studying Abroad page to learn about our Discover Study Abroad sessions and how to start planning your time abroad. Ideally, you should begin to plan your study abroad experience at least two semesters in advance of your departure date. Be in touch with a Study Abroad advisor and your advisor in the Cinematic Arts Department early on in the planning process.
For more information about fulfilling Cinematic Arts major requirements abroad, contact your faculty advisor and the Director of Undergraduate Studies.
Study abroad is encouraged as early as the summer between your first and second years—especially if you are interested in fulfilling your World Languages requirement abroad. Sophomore and junior years are good times to complete general education courses or work on your language requirement abroad. Senior year is an excellent time to take courses not offered by UI that will enrich your understanding of cinema.
Summer and winter programs are highly recommended, especially for double majors who do not have time to study abroad during the school year. While you might not be completing course work that applies to your major, you can take general education and World Languages requirements. More information about fulfilling academic requirements abroad as a Cinematic Arts major is available on the Academics tab of this MAP.
Before you enroll in courses abroad, be sure to consult with a faculty advisor in the Cinematic Arts Department and a Study Abroad Advisor to discuss which of your academic requirements can be taken abroad for credit.
Double majors should be sure to check out the Major Advising Page (MAP) corresponding with their second major, as there are likely study abroad options relevant to both majors.
General Education
Cinematic Arts majors are encouraged to fulfill general education requirements abroad, especially those who are in their first or second year at the UI. The World Languages requirement, in particular, lends itself to study abroad. Most study abroad locations will offer coursework that will count as part of your general education requirements. For more information, check out our General Education Program MAP.
Major Courses
In addition to meeting general education requirements for the degree, Cinematic Arts majors are required to complete a minimum of 33 semester hours towards their major. For more information on required courses, visit the B.A. in Cinema webpage.
Cinematic Arts majors are allowed a maximum of 9 transfer credits, subject to the approval of the advisor. Consult with your departmental advisor about how your courses abroad will transfer to UI.
You may be able to receive Cinematic Arts Honors credit for courses taken abroad. For more information, consult with your faculty advisor. Keep in mind that if you are pursuing University Honors it is possible to earn an Honors Commendation for 12 hours of Honors coursework taken abroad. For more information, please refer to the Cinematic Arts Honors page or contact the Director of Undergraduate Studies.
Cinematic Arts minors may be able to receive minor credit abroad. Just be sure to get the approval of the instructor who teaches the UI equivalent of the course you want to enroll in overseas. Consult the Minor in Cinematic Arts webpage for more information.
Most departments in CLAS allow up to 3 s.h. of transfer credit towards a minor; be sure to check with your faculty advisor to confirm transfer credit limits. This limitation does not apply to study abroad programs that grant resident credit.
Consider taking advantage of an internship for credit while abroad; it is a wonderful way to help ease the transition into post-academic life. More information can be found on our internships page.
Most of your required courses would likely be best taken at the UI, though it is possible exceptions will be made. However, Modes of Film and Video Production must be taken at the UI. Students may earn credit for courses they complete abroad on film production. It may be feasible for students to complete Honors projects abroad, but this is to be determined on a case-by-case basis, so please meet with your departmental advisor to discuss this possibility.
Funding your trip abroad
Various scholarships are available for UI students planning to study abroad. Information about these scholarships is available on the Study Abroad scholarships webpage. More information regarding departmental scholarships can be found at the Cinematic Arts scholarships webpage. All students are strongly encouraged to consult with a faculty advisor and a Study Abroad Advisor about financing their study abroad experience.
You can start your search with the recommended programs below, but feel free to browse our program database for other possibilities. The specific programs recommended below may change, so check with your major advisor and Study Abroad for the latest updates.
All students who study abroad must be in good academic and disciplinary standing. Each program listed has coursework taught in English unless otherwise stated. In addition, each program has specific eligibility requirements that may include GPA, prerequisites, and/or class standing. For more information about the program, click on the button below the program description.
United Kingdom
Lancaster University Exchange
Fall, Spring, Academic Year
Lancaster University’s Theatre Studies Department is among the top 10 in the United Kingdom. Students can enroll in a variety of theatre courses exploring theatre studies, sound design, modern dance, and writing for performance. Lancaster’s film studies department is also excellent, offering courses in introductory and advanced film theory, gender and film, documentaries, and cinema around the world.
University of Kent Exchange
Fall, Spring, Academic Year
The University of Kent offers a robust selection of courses in theatre arts and film studies. Introductory and advanced course topics include Greek Theatre, physical performance, ensemble acting, stand-up comedy, and dance for musical theatre. Film studies course topics include film theory, history of film, television adaptions, editing, documentaries, and genre film-making.
Wells in Florence: Lorenzo de Medici
Fall, Spring, Academic Year
Wells College facilitates enrollment for UI students at Lorenzo de Medici. In the School of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences, students can take courses that focus on art history. The School of Creative Arts offers coursework in the following areas: cinema, drawing and mixed media, graphic design, painting, performing arts, photography, sculpture and ceramics, and theatre.
Czech Republic
CEA Prague Full Curriculum
Fall, Spring
This program offers UI students the opportunity to study at Anglo-American University (AAU) and to choose courses from their full curriculum offered in English. AAU offers an array of art history courses including Survey of Western Art, Prague Art and Architecture, and Monsters and the Supernatural in Japanese Art and Culture. Other courses offered include Introduction to Drawing, Documentary Film Seminar, Pop Culture and Media Theory, and Cross-Media Art Studio.
CIEE Summer in Paris
CIEE Paris offers three summer sessions, and in each session, there is something for the arts. All courses are taught by faculty from a range of Parisian institutions who are specialists in their respective fields. In-class work is augmented with co-curricular visits to the city’s rich variety of cultural institutions. Courses include Contemporary French Cinema; Paris Collage: History, Culture, Architecture; and 19th-Century French Painting: From Courbet to Dada.
ISEP Estonia
Fall, Spring, Academic Year
The University of Tartu was founded in 1632 and is one of the oldest in Northern and Eastern Europe. While known for their research, Tartu’s Faculty of Arts and Humanities offers a wide variety of courses. Courses include Digital Photography, Looking at Art, Classical Animation, Painting NOW with Renaissance Techniques, Sketch, Drawing, Sculpture, Painting, Knitting, and Performing Arts Practice.
South Africa
IES Cape Town University of Cape Town
Fall, Spring
Students will enroll in the top-ranked university in South Africa - the University of Cape Town (UCT) - and take a service-learning course, in either health or sociology, with IES. UCT offers a wide variety of courses in art history, dance, drama, and film. Courses include Acting, Dance Performance, World Cinema, Media in South Africa, Approaches to Art History, Critical Studies in Art History and Visual Culture, and Introduction to African Art.
Iowa Regents Semester in Australia: University of Tasmania
Fall, Spring, Academic Year, Calendar Year
The University of Tasmania’s (Utas) School of Creative Arts and Media brings together programs in art, cinema, media, music, and theatre. Example courses include Acting for Screen, Stage Management, Japanese Anime and Film, The Golden Age of German Cinema, and Stage Studio Art.
TEAN: University of New South Wales
Fall, Spring, Academic Year, Calendar Year
The highly ranked School of Art and Design at the University of New South Wales (UNSW) offers courses in the areas of fine art, design, media arts, and art history and theory. Examples of courses are Painting, Studio in Context, Drawing: Studio Practice, and Creative Exploration. Within their School of Arts and Media, UNSW offers courses such as Screen and Sound Production, Intro to Film Studies, and Screen Production.
New Zealand
TEAN New Zealand: University of Otago
Fall, Spring, Academic Year, Calendar Year
The creative heart of the University of Otago is the School of Performing Arts. They feature coursework in dance, music, performance, performing arts, studio production, and theatre studies. The university also has a robust art history and visual culture program and film and media studies. Examples of courses include Medieval Art, Art in Japan, Understanding Contemporary Media, Voice and Movement, Drama on Stage and Screen, and Theatre: Ancient to Contemporary.