Few opportunities can be as beneficial to International Studies as immersion in a different culture. Study abroad can give you a perspective and experience of people and places like nothing else can as you study the complex connections between culture, politics, art, economics, and society. And as an International Studies major, you can even spend an entire year abroad without delaying your graduation plans.
You can also take General Education classes, explore general electives in subjects that interest you, or immerse yourself in language study and internships. Many study abroad options are available to you. From short-term, faculty-led programs to full-year enrollment at an international university, there are plenty of opportunities to earn credit toward your International Studies “track,” (i.e., a content area that you choose), or to fulfill other International Studies requirements.
Your initial year at the UI might be best spent taking IS introductory and foundation courses, beginning a language, or working on General Education Program requirements. The IS introductory and foundation courses should help you choose your direction in International Studies and guide you toward your choice of an IS “track” (i.e. a content area of your choosing). Also, the transition from high school to college is a big one. Study abroad might be best left for your later years as a UI student.
Sophomores & Juniors
This is an excellent time to complete General Education Program requirements overseas, begin or continue your language requirement, or begin working on your IS track.
IS majors who are doing a senior project or an honors thesis should plan to spend at least one semester of their senior year on campus to complete the project/thesis. The other semester might be spent abroad doing research for the project/thesis or finishing up the IS track(s). If you are doing a senior project or honors thesis, you must complete the international research proposal course on campus and should plan ahead appropriately if you wish to study abroad during your senior year.
General Education Program
Most study abroad locations will offer coursework that will count towards the General Education requirements of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences requires that all majors acquire either fourth-semester competency or the departmental equivalent in a world language. If you need to complete your world language requirement, you could consider studying abroad to immerse yourself in a language and complete this requirement in as little as one semester. Study Abroad approves GEP courses, so please talk to an advisor in the Study Abroad office.
Foundation Courses
These courses should be completed at the University of Iowa. It is sometimes possible to take foundation courses abroad, but the overseas course must be a direct equivalent to the UI course offered by the relevant department. (Note: Most of the courses approved for the International Studies major foundation also fulfill general education requirements.)
Track Courses
Study abroad is an excellent way to fulfill these elements of the IS major. Classes offered by our partner universities will provide you with a perspective on your field that is unique to the country and culture where you are studying, and that will augment the perspectives you receive in the U.S. classroom.
World Language
The International Studies major requires two semesters of world language study beyond what is required for the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences general education requirement. Study abroad programs are a great place to begin (or continue) language immersion.
You can start your search with the recommended programs below, but feel free to browse our program database for other possibilities. The specific programs recommended below may change, so check with your major advisor and Study Abroad for the latest updates.
All students who study abroad must be in good academic and disciplinary standing. Each program listed has coursework taught in English unless otherwise stated. In addition, each program has specific eligibility requirements that may include GPA, prerequisites, and/or class standing. For more information about the program, click on the button below the program description.
Geographic Tracks
East Asian Studies
CIEE Shanghai China in a Global Context
A semester program for students that provides an introduction to modern China through a combination of English-taught seminars and language study.
Ewha Womans University Exchange
Students of all genders are welcome to study at the world's largest female educational institute and one of the top universities in Korea for a semester, academic year or calendar year. Participation in this program does not require any prior knowledge of the Korean language, as there is a diverse course offering in English, but the program offers Korean Language courses as well.
European Studies
Academic Year in Freiburg
This consortial program with the Universities of Wisconsin-Madison, Michigan, and Michigan State offers students the opportunity to improve fluency in the German language while taking a blend of program classes and regular German university classes.
University of Dortmund Exchange
The University of Dortmund exchange offers UI students a unique blend of courses that combine language and culture courses with academic work in their major and minor subjects.
CIEE Paris Open Campus
The Contemporary French Studies Program at the Paris Center for Critical Studies combines an interdisciplinary academic program on contemporary French society and culture with the opportunity for students at intermediate level French to quickly develop language skills.
American College of Thessaloniki
This semester or academic year program offers students the opportunity to enroll in courses in Greek language, Business and Technology (Computer Science & CMIS) and Arts and Sciences (English, History & International Relations, Psychology, Philosophy and Social Sciences) while studying at the American College of Thessaloniki. The campus primarily hosts Greek students as well as international students from other European countries.
United Kingdom
Iowa Regents Semester in Wales
The Regents Semester in Wales offers undergraduate students an opportunity to study for a semester at a British university. Students are integrated academically and socially with their British peers at the University of Wales-Swansea. The program begins with a three-week course on British life and politics, after which students enroll in regular courses offered by the university.
Iowa Regents Semester in Scotland
This semester or academic year program offers undergraduates the opportunity to enroll in a wide range of courses in a variety of disciplines at the University of Edinburgh, one of the finest universities in the United Kingdom in one of Europe's most exciting cultural centers. Students are fully integrated academically and socially with their Scottish peers.
Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies
ACTR Language and Area Studies Program
This semester or academic year program, organized by the American Council of Teachers of Russian (ACTR), is designed especially for students with three or more years of college Russian who want to improve Russian language skills while experiencing the culture.
International Student Exchange Program (ISEP)
ISEP is a multilateral exchange program involving hundreds of universities around the world. The University of Iowa is a member of ISEP. Participating on an ISEP exchange program requires a high level of language proficiency and an independent, confident attitude. For more information, schedule an appointment with a Study Abroad advisor.
USAC Studies in the Czech Republic
This program offers students the opportunity to enroll in courses in a variety of disciplines related to Czech and to Central and Eastern European studies. No prior Czech language study is required, and most classes are taught in English. The program is administered by the University Studies Abroad Consortium (USAC), of which the University of Iowa is a member. UI students earn resident credit.
Latin American Studies
CIEE Buenos Aires Community Public Health
This program for advanced Spanish students with strong language skills offers a unique opportunity to students by combining classroom coursework with field work. It is designed to expose students to the social inequities that impact health in various parts of Argentina and the challenges facing the global health arena along with the variety of solutions being implemented locally. Participants join a group of students from other U.S. colleges and universities. UI students earn resident credit.
USAC Montevideo (Uruguay) Program
Thematic Tracks
Global Resources and the Environment
Iowa Regents Semester in Cork
This semester or academic year program offers students the opportunity to enroll in a wide range of courses in a variety of disciplines at the University College Cork, one of the oldest universities in Ireland. Students are fully integrated academically and socially with their Irish peers.
Lancaster University Exchange
Direct enrollment at the University of Lancaster in England is particularly suited to students prepared to take upper-level coursework in both their major and/or a secondary field of interest.
USAC Costa Rica
These programs in Heredia and San Ramon allow students to experience the culture and physical beauty of Costa Rica through study in specially designed courses combined with family home stay and some program travel. Students will study the Spanish language and the complexities of Chilean and contemporary Latin American societies through a wide selection of academic courses, as well as through personal interaction with the host culture.
CIEE Monteverde Tropical Ecology and Conservation Program
This program offers a combination of science courses taught in English, a Spanish language course at various levels, and travel to diverse ecosystems. Participants join a group of students from other U.S. colleges and universities. UI students earn resident credit on this program.
Global Health
Courses in the Life and Health Sciences and Culture Studies program are taught in Spanish and English (and include “Health Disparities and Promotion in Diverse Populations”). Internships (which require a minimum of four semesters of college Spanish) are in Spanish-speaking environments such as local hospitals, pharmacies, NGO’s, community/educational centers, and municipal health offices.
CIEE Summer Community Public Health
Programs in Argentina and Dominican Republic combine coursework on issues that developing nations face in providing sustainable healthcare with a community service practicum (during which students work in government sponsored clinics or other public health-focused non-governmental organizations) or field research (guided by local public health practitioners and academics).
Child Life Experiential Learning Program
This program is a three-week, faculty-led course based in Cape Town, South Africa. Students will have the opportunity to work with the Red Cross Children's Hospital, Maitland Cottage Home, and the Sarah Fox Convalescent Hospital. Students interested in health and child life are welcome to participate, regardless of major or skill level.
International Perspectives: Xicotepec
This is a three credit hour, interdisciplinary, service-learning course co-sponsored by the University of Iowa and District 6000 of Rotary International. Students enroll in International Perspectives spring semester and travel to Mexico over spring break. In collaboration with Rotarians and local community members, students will work in teams to develop and execute discipline-specific projects that address community-identified needs.
International Business
Regents Semester in Australia
The University of Tasmania offers Iowa students a broad array of courses in the arts and humanities, sciences, social sciences, business, architecture and engineering.
American College of Thessaloniki
This semester or academic year program offers students the opportunity to enroll in a courses in Greek language, Business and Technology (Computer Science & CMIS) and Arts and Sciences (English, History & International Relations, Psychology, Philosophy and Social Sciences) while studying at the American College of Thessaloniki. The campus primarily hosts Greek students as well as international students from other European countries.
Iowa Regents Semester in Ireland
This semester or academic year program offers students the opportunity to enroll in a wide range of courses in a variety of disciplines at the University College Cork, one of the oldest universities in Ireland. Students are fully integrated academically and socially with their Irish peers.
USAC Turin Program
The program offers a high-quality educational experience in three diverse academic areas: business, architecture, and Italian studies. A 3 s.h. internship is also available.
This program offers a high-quality educational experience in two diverse academic areas: international business and Spanish Language studies. A 3 s.h. internship is also available.
United Kingdom
Iowa Regents Semester in Wales
The Regents Semester in Wales offers undergraduate students an opportunity to study for a semester at a British university. Students are integrated academically and socially with their British peers at the University of Wales-Swansea. The program begins with a three-week course on British life and politics, after which students enroll in regular courses offered by the university.
International Communication & Information
Iowa Regents Semester in Wales
The Regents Semester in Wales offers undergraduate students an opportunity to study for a semester at a British university. Students are integrated academically and socially with their British peers at the University of Wales-Swansea. The program begins with a three-week course on British life and politics, after which students enroll in regular courses offered by the university.