Different cultures adhere to different philosophies of teaching and learning. Studying abroad as an education major will not only sharpen your global thinking, but expose you to teaching practices you might not otherwise encounter. Once you have your teaching license, you might use pedagogical tools learned abroad in your own classroom and, in this way, cultivate further global awareness.

While there is no single career trend for education majors, students find jobs working as public school teachers, school administrators, speech pathologists, special education instructors, paraeducators, and more. Experience abroad will distinguish you as someone who can prepare students to relate to cultural difference, and this will give you a competitive edge when applying for teaching and other education-related positions.

As an education major, various study abroad opportunities are available to you. From eight-week summer and winter programs to programs that span the academic year, there are plenty of opportunities for you to earn credit toward your degree.

Education majors are especially encouraged to apply for the Indiana University Global Gateway for Teachers Program, an 8-week student teaching program through which you can complete half of your student teaching abroad. (Limitations apply for English, foreign language, and special education teachers. For details, see the Considerations section of this page.)

As you plan your study abroad experience, be sure to consult with advisors in the College of Education and in the Study Abroad office to discuss which overseas courses will transfer for credit upon your return.

Various scholarships are available for students wishing to study abroad, and information about them is available on the Study Abroad scholarships website. Note that short-term scholarships and grants are available for students interested in studying abroad over winter break, during the summer, and through other short-term programs like the Global Gateway student teaching program. Students who qualify for the Global Gateway program are awarded a $1,000 travel stipend and a $2,000 scholarship.


Education majors are encouraged to study abroad during student teaching and/or before they are accepted into the College of Education. (Typically, education majors apply to the College of Education as sophomores and begin their major coursework as juniors.) Education majors who have already begun their major coursework should consider studying abroad during winter break or through a summer program. Note: Foreign language majors are encouraged to complete their language requirements abroad at any time. For more information about when to study abroad, contact an advisor in the College of Education.


Your freshman year is best spent fulfilling general education requirements and deciding whether the education major is right for you. The summer after your freshman year is a good time to study abroad, though—especially if you want to get a head-start on fulfilling your world languages requirement.


Sophomore year is a good time to study abroad. Just be sure you're ready to apply to the College of Education by the application deadline (March 1st of your sophomore year for admission the following fall.) Information about admission into the Teacher Education Program is available on the College of Education's website.

Juniors & Seniors

Your junior and senior year will most likely be spent fulfilling major requirements that cannot be taken abroad. Students interested in studying abroad as juniors or seniors should consider summer and winter programs and/or student teaching abroad. Again, foreign language majors are encouraged to fulfill their language requirements abroad at any time.

Summer & Winter

If you can’t seem to find time for study abroad during the academic year, consider a summer program or a winter program like the India Winterim!


Before you enroll in courses abroad, be sure to consult with advisors in the College of Education, your subject area advisor (if you have one), and an advisor in the Study Abroad office to discuss whether any of your course requirements can be fulfilled overseas. You’ll also need to fill out a Study Abroad Credit Approval Form (available from your Study Abroad advisor) and return it to the Study Abroad office prior to your departure.

Prerequisite Courses

All education majors have to earn 30 credits before they can begin their major coursework. In addition, education majors in the following program areas must take prerequisite courses:

  • Art Education (K-8 and 5-12): 12 semester hours of Art and Art History Courses completed with a minimum GPA of 3.00.
  • Mathematics Education (5-12): Successful completion of Calculus I and II with a GPA of 2.5.
  • Music Education (K-8 and 5-12): Successful completion of Music Theory I and II, and a minimum GPA of 3.00 on Music course work.
  • English Education (5-12): Completion of 008:005 Introduction to the English Major: Theory and Practice, plus an additional 12 semester hours of English courses, with a minimum GPA of 3.00.
  • Foreign Language (5-12): Completion of 12 semester hours of coursework in language of program.

As you plan your study abroad experience, keep in mind that your prerequisites must be completed before you apply to the College of Education, typically at the end of your sophomore year. Comprehensive information about admission into the Teacher Education Program is available on the College of Education's website.

You might be able to fulfill some of your prerequisites abroad. Just be sure to check with a faculty advisor in the appropriate department (e.g. the Art Department, if you would like to fulfill part of your art history prerequisite abroad) before enrolling in courses overseas.

Education Courses

Education majors usually begin their major coursework as juniors. If you are not familiar with your major requirements, visit the Education and Teaching section of the College of Education's website.

With the exception of student teaching, all of your education courses must be taken at the UI. Be sure to keep this in mind as you plan your study abroad experience, as the College of Education will not award credit for education courses taken abroad.

For more information about coordinating your study abroad experience with your major requirements, contact an academic advisor in the College of Education.

Subject Area Courses

Secondary education majors are required to take a series of courses in their subject area, some of which can be taken abroad. If you are a secondary education major, consult with a faculty advisor in the appropriate department (e.g. the Department of English if you study English education) to discuss which of your subject courses will transfer if taken abroad.

Check out the Major Advising Page corresponding with your subject for more information about how to coordinate your subject requirements with study abroad.

General Education Requirements

General education requirements can be fulfilled abroad. Just consult with your study abroad advisor to discuss which courses will transfer upon your return.


Education majors are encouraged to consider completing the second half of their student teaching semester abroad through the Indiana University Global Gateway for Teachers Program. (Details are available on the College of Education's website.) However, restrictions apply for English education, foreign language education, and special education majors.

Note: The Global Gateway student teaching program is just one of many study abroad options available to you. See Programs for additional opportunities.

English Teachers

Because English teachers are required to complete all of their student teaching in the United States, participation in the Global Gateway program will not count toward your 16-week student teaching requirement. However, you are encouraged to complete an additional 8 weeks of student teaching through the Global Gateway program, for which you can earn 2 hours of graduate credit.

For more information about student teaching abroad as an English education major, contact Bellinda Assemien in the College of Education.

You might also research study abroad opportunities for English majors. Consult with the Department of English's Academic Advisor to see if you can fulfill some of your English requirements abroad.

Foreign Language Teachers

Student teaching abroad is only an option for foreign language education students who travel to countries where the language they will teach is taught as a foreign language (e.g. Spanish in Ireland). For more information about student teaching abroad as a foreign language education major, contact Bellinda Assemien in the College of Education.

If you want to travel to a country that speaks the language you teach, you might consider fulfilling some of your language course requirements abroad. Check out the Major Advising Page corresponding with your language for information about additional study abroad opportunities. Be sure to consult with a faculty advisor in your language department to discuss which language courses can be taken overseas.

Special Education Teachers

Because you are already required to divide your student teaching between a general and special education classroom in the U.S., the Global Gateway program is not available for special education majors unless it is completed as an additional 8-week experience for which you can earn 2 hours of graduate credit. For information about additional study abroad opportunities, see Programs.

You might also consider fulfilling some of your general education requirements abroad. Just check with your study abroad advisor to discuss which courses will transfer upon your return.


You can start your search with the recommended programs below, but feel free to browse our program database, consult materials in the Study Abroad Resource Room, or contact the Study Abroad peer assistants (study-abroad@uiowa.edu) for other possibilities. The specific programs recommended below may change, so check with your major advisor and Study Abroad for the latest updates.

All students who study abroad must be in good academic and disciplinary standing. Each program listed has coursework taught in English unless otherwise stated. In addition, each program has specific eligibility requirements that may include GPA, prerequisites, and/or class standing. For more information about the program, click on the button below the program description.



ISEP University of Eastern Finland
Fall, Spring

The University of Eastern Finland has an Applied Education program and an Education and Adult Education program. The Applied Education program focuses on the latest teaching technology, learning environments, and teaching methods. Courses include Assessment and Evaluation in Promoting Learning, Introduction to Finnish School Life, Exploring Education in Finland from Theoretical and Practical Perspectives, and Pedagogical Perspectives of Educational Use of ICTs. The goal of the Education and Adult Education program is to develop students’ identity and expertise in education and counseling from the viewpoint of life courses and life-long learning. Courses include Finnish Education and Society, Active Citizenship and Non-Formal Education, Approaches to Special Education in Finland, and Globalization and Educational Policy.

ISEP University of Jyväskylä
Fall, Spring

The University of Jyväskylä is a top-ranked university characterized by a high level of technological sophistication, active international cooperation, and teaching that is constantly developing to meet the challenges of future professions. The Faculty of Education and Psychology offers courses in special education, teacher education, and early childhood education. Courses include Education in Finland, Issues in Education, Disability Studies in Education, the Language of Education and Pedagogy, and Introduction to Educational Research.

ISEP Tampere University
Fall, Spring

Tampere University is one of the most multidisciplinary universities in Finland. The university offers a bachelor’s program in Educational Studies, Lifelong Learning, and Education. Courses include Education and Schooling in Society, Equity in Education, Research of Education, The Curriculum, Assessment and the Development of Education, and The Finnish Education and Schooling System.


ISEP University of Tartu
Fall, Spring

Travel to Eastern Europe and get credit towards teaching in English and elementary education. ISEP allows you to direct enroll at the University of Tartu, which offers a wide array of education courses, including language and culture in English, French, and Russian. Take up to 18 credits with courses such as Teaching English to Young Learners, Practical Grammar for Teachers of Young Learners, Technology Use in Education, and Education Design for Complex Learning Tasks.


University of Iceland Exchange
Fall, Spring

UI students can study in the land of fire and ice through the University of Iceland Exchange. The other UI (University of Iceland) offers courses in English in education and diversity and subject area teacher education. Courses include Professionalism in Education, Sustainability Education and Leadership, Introduction to English Language Teaching, Teaching Language in the Multicultural Classroom, and Icelandic Nature and Cultural Legacy.


Oslo Metropolitan University Exchange
Fall, Spring

Through the Oslo Metropolitan University Exchange, Iowa students enroll at Oslo Metropolitan University (OlsoMet), living and studying on campus with their Norwegian peers while fully immersed in the local culture. OsloMet’s education courses are housed in the Faculty of Education and International Studies. Courses include Aesthetics and Special Needs – Nordic Childhoods; English in Teacher Education; Play, Movement, Nature, and Outdoor Education – Nordic Childhoods; and Learning with Digital and Mobile Technologies.

United Kingdom

Iowa Regents Semester in Wales
Fall, Spring, Academic Year

The Iowa Regents Semester in Wales program allows students to enroll at Swansea University, living and studying on campus with local students. Swansea’s Education department is rated among the top 25% in the United Kingdom. Education students can choose from a wide variety of courses from the introductory to advanced level and can supplement their major courses with courses from a diverse selection of other departments at Swansea University. Courses include Children's Early Social World, Exploring Creativity and Critical Thinking, The Social Construction of Childhood, Pedagogy in Action: Supporting Life-Long-Learning, and Educational Practice in a Digital Age.

IES London: University College London
Fall, Spring, Academic Year

Through the IES London: University College London program, students enroll at University College London, among the top ten universities in the world. Students take classes with their local peers while taking advantage of a variety of cultural excursions and specialized student support services only available to study abroad students. UCL’s highly ranked education program offers a robust selection of courses, and students can supplement their major requirements by choosing from the breadth of courses offered through UCL’s other departments to complete additional degree requirements. Courses include Global Issues in Education; Ways of Thinking and Ways of Being; Children with Disabilities: Theory, Politics, and Experience; Radical Education; and Rights, Equality, and Justice in Education.


Iowa Regents Semester in Ireland
Fall, Spring, Academic Year

This program offers students the opportunity to enroll at the University College Cork (UCC), one of the oldest universities in Ireland. Cork offers several education courses, as well as a tremendous variety of courses that can be used to complete other major, minor, certificate, or general education requirements. Students are fully integrated academically and socially with their Irish peers, living in student housing and attending regular classes at UCC. Courses include Contemporary Issues in Early Years and Childhood Studies, Curriculum and Pedagogical Coherence, Early Years and Childhood Policy: Planning and Practice, Skill Acquisition and Analysis, and Inclusion: Policy and Practice in PE Sport and Physical Activity.


University of Minnesota Montpellier
Fall, Spring

At the University of Minnesota’s Learning Abroad Center (LAC) in Montpellier, France, students take courses designed to prepare them for a career in education with a focus on teaching English to elementary-age children. Participants engage in exclusive one-on-one teaching practice with local faculty and over 70 hours of in-the-classroom time. Enrolling in 15 credits, students take courses such as Introduction to Elementary Teaching, Elementary Teaching Practicum, Cultural Perspectives on Language Learning, and Comparative Education and Pedagogy.


IES Rome
Fall, Spring, Academic Year, Summer

IES Rome supports various disciplines and majors. Students take an Italian language class and select from a variety of area studies courses. Courses related to the education major include Inclusive Education: A Critical View on Integration Policies in the Italian Education System, as well as Child Development: Italian Best Practices in Preschool Education. Students can earn credit by participating in an internship or service learning/social action placement and accompanying academic seminar.

USAC Reggio Emilia
Fall, Spring, Academic Year, Summer

USAC Reggio Emilia supports various disciplines and majors including education. Students will take an Italian language class (Fall/Spring) and select from a variety of other courses. Sample courses related to this major include Early Childhood Education, Education for a Changing World, Comparative Education, and Multicultural Education Issues. Class offerings vary by semester. Credit-bearing internship opportunities are available for students who meet the pre-requisite requirements.



TEAN Australia: University of New South Wales (UNSW)
Fall, Spring, Academic Year, Calendar Year

UNSW School of Education uses innovative methods and transformative, evidence-based teaching experiences. They have a variety of education courses to choose from, including several that are culturally based and only available in Australia. Courses include Critical Thinking and Education, Teacher Leadership, Critically Engaging with Indigenous Education in Australia, Learning and Teaching Perspectives, and Managing the Classroom.

Iowa Regents Semester in Australia: University of Tasmania (UTas)
Fall, Spring, Academic Year, Calendar Year

The University of Tasmania’s nationally accredited education and teaching courses give students core teaching skills in leadership, communication, and organization. They offer specialty courses in areas such as outdoor education, health and physical education, and special education. Courses include Teaching Religious Education, Outdoor Education in Rock Environments, Education for Sustainability Across Curriculum, Facilitating Learning Experiences, and Assessment for Learning.

New Zealand

TEAN New Zealand: University of Otago
Fall, Spring, Academic Year, Calendar Year

The University of Otago’s College of Education is dedicated to the enhancement of educational practice through high quality teaching, scholarship, research, professional leadership, and community service. Courses include Education and Society, Human Development, Inclusive Education, Gender Issues in Education, and Educational Psychology.

TEAN New Zealand: Victoria University of Wellington
Fall, Spring, Academic Year, Calendar Year

The Wellington Faculty (School) of Education offers exceptional research-led teaching and learning. At Victoria University, students can explore how young people learn and develop while enjoying the urban environment of New Zealand’s capitol city. Courses include Learning and Motivation, Issues in Child and Adolescent Development, Contemporary Issues in Indigenous Education Aotearoa, Exceptional Learners: Special Education, and Learning Environments.


South Korea

TEAN South Korea: Korea University
Fall, Spring, Academic Year, Calendar Year, Summer

TEAN facilitates direct enrollment for students at Korea University. Students can enroll in courses offered by the Department of Education and the Department of English Language Education and in Korean language classes. Courses include Teaching and Learning Methods in Lifelong Education, Uses of Psychological Tests in School Settings, Teaching English Through Poetry, and Teaching English Literature in EFL. Course offerings vary by semester.


South Africa

SIT Education and Social Change

Through this program, students can gain a better understanding of social issues regarding education by traveling to South Africa and getting firsthand experience teaching in local classrooms in Durban, Johannesburg, and Cape Town. Participants meet with administration officials and learn more about public policies and how they are formed. Students earn seven credits while taking Education and Social Change and an Education Practicum.