Did you miss the fair? Don't worry - just follow the steps below!
- Attend a Discover Study Abroad session
- Let your academic advisor know you're thinking about studying abroad
- Get guidance based on your major
- Get a passport if you don't have one
- Sign up for the Study Abroad newsletter if you haven't already
Study Abroad Monthly Newsletter
Receive information on scholarships, events, exciting international opportunities, and more.

Why should you attend the fair?
The Study Abroad Fair is the place to find out about the international opportunities available to you at the University of Iowa.
Explore study abroad programs and global internships.
Learn about scholarships and grants for international experiences.
Connect with students who have returned from abroad, study abroad advisors, and faculty who lead programs abroad.
Discover how going abroad fits into your major.

What should you do when you get to the fair?

- Register your attendance at the fair so that you can be entered to win one of two $500 scholarships to study abroad.
- Learn about study abroad programs that align with your major.
- Talk to students who have studied abroad to learn about their experiences.
- Visit the UI Passport Office table to learn how to apply for a passport.
Fair exhibitors
Tippie College of Business
College of Engineering
College of Public Health
Division of World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
International Studies & Global Health
College of Nursing
College of Education
UI Passport Office
Scholarships & Grants/Financial Aid
IP Grants & Fellowships
UI Honors
Wells College Florence
American College of Thessaloniki
IES Study Abroad
IES Internships
University of Minnesota
University of Auckland