Marina Zaloznaya
Marina Zaloznaya is an Associate Professor of Sociology and Political Science and a co-founder of the Corruption in The Global South Research Consortium ( She holds a PhD in Sociology from Northwestern University and an MA from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Her research explores political dimensions, gender patterns, and network properties of public sector corruption in non-democratic regimes from a range of methodological perspectives. Her first book, The Politics of Bureaucratic Corruption in Post-Transitional Eastern Europe, which drew on ethnographic and comparative-historical analyses of corruption in Ukrainian and Belarusian universities, was published by Cambridge University Press in 2017. More recently, funded by the U.S. Department of Defense, Dr. Zaloznaya and her collaborators collected and analyzed three rounds of public opinion surveys in Russia, China, Ukraine, and Georgia. Along with Dr. Zaloznaya’s other work, findings from these have been published in a range of sociology, political science, and interdisciplinary journals, including Social Forces, Electoral Studies, Post-Soviet Affairs, Law & Social Inquiry, Europe-Asia Studies, Sociology of Development, Crime, Law, and Social Change, the Annual Review of Sociology, and other venues. At Iowa, Dr. Zaloznaya teaches courses in Global Criminology, Sociology of White-Collar Crime, Comparative-Historical Sociology, Sociology of Human Rights, Gender & Politics under Authoritarianism, and Law & Society.