Katie Ron

Associate Director
Communications & Relations

Authored by Katie Ron

Bring study abroad to your students: request a UI Study Abroad classroom visit

Tuesday, April 16, 2024
The University of Iowa Study Abroad office offers in-person classroom presentations to provide a study abroad overview, information specific to a field of study, and global internships.

A global education: Communications student from Brazil discovers her roots and pursues passions from Iowa to Italy

Wednesday, April 3, 2024
Sophia Restiffe Favoretto came to the University of Iowa almost four years ago from Brazil, and she has taken advantage of all that Iowa has to offer.

UI hosts 11th Annual Fulbright Week, April 8 - 12

Thursday, March 21, 2024
Would you like to teach English, study, or do research abroad for an academic year at no cost? Learn how at the 11th Annual Fulbright Week.
Katie Ron
Contact Information

1111 University Capitol Centre
Iowa City, IA 52242
United States